Hayden had a slightly-larger-than-average sized baby. Kid wasn’t even 8 pounds. I do think she has the most potential to break out. I hope she does an album under her own name when she has time.
Hayden had a slightly-larger-than-average sized baby. Kid wasn’t even 8 pounds. I do think she has the most potential to break out. I hope she does an album under her own name when she has time.
Glee’s attempts to originals songs didn’t go well. The covers sold really well in the beginning.
One is the things that I miss the most about living in the Boston area is Greek Pizza.
Totally depends on the personalities involved. My brother gave my mom more grief than my sister and me put together.
If you paid $400 for a City Mini you are getting hosed. You can one on Amazon for $250, assuming you are willing to take last year’s colors.
My husband is an atheist. He wasn’t Catholic anymore when I met him but he still pictured himself getting married in a Catholic Church because at that point every wedding he’d been to was in a Catholic Church.
Longmont has a population of 86k and is less than half an hour from Boulder. It’s not small town America and that just makes it scarier.
Wasn’t she encouraged to stop taking her medication for some religious reason, too? The more I know about that story, the more upsetting it becomes and that’s saying something.
Sort of? I had big fat tears gushing down my face but I wasn’t crying. I could speak clearly and I didn’t feel like I was crying. When the tears started falling off my chin onto my dress the minister handed me a tissue without skipping a beat. It was super weird and the only time that’s ever happened to me.
Ugh, I think there was some hope that the married girls would be able to take a step back from their parents and brothers but Jim Bob selected his sons-in-law carefully, I guess.
They only bloom a few weeks a year and only about half of the plants bloom so you have to grow a shit ton of them in a greenhouse to get them in the first place and then the stems are very, very thin. Wiring the stems so that they are stiff enough to hold shape in a bouquet is super fiddly and time intensive. The…
I don’t think he fled the jurisdiction. He was awarded custody by a judge. She’s already tried to refuse to return the children once.
I’ve only lived in densely populated areas of blue state but this is pretty true for my friends group. I think part of it is that your social group is fairly self-selecting. If you’re 25 and mostly interested in opening a bottle of wine while playing board games with your long term SO and friends then you don’t end up…
We’re technically Milennials but I have a hard time accepting that I’m in the same generation as kids who don’t remember 9/11.
Eh, different strokes and all that. Not everyone who’s had fewer than 8 partners is a fundie.
Aren't 99% of the people who have 10+ kids also religious zealots?
Their combination of wealth, political power and isolation is also really unusual. If the girls had been in school, it probably would have gotten reported there. There is definitely a lot of corruption in that part of the country but I wouldn’t take this as being representative.
It’s incredibly naive to think that TLC/Discovery didn’t know about this all along.
The question is: will it stay off the air. It’s been pulled while they assess. Duck Dynasty got pulled and put back on.
I’ve had really good experiences with WW. I like it better than calorie counting because it measures protein and fiber and so it encourages me to make healthier, more filling food choices.