There were weird dresses (like the lady wearing a slinky) but these don't count. Plus, I think whatever was worn in the 80s/early 90s should automatically be disqualified from 'worse dressed' for having unfair advantage.
There were weird dresses (like the lady wearing a slinky) but these don't count. Plus, I think whatever was worn in the 80s/early 90s should automatically be disqualified from 'worse dressed' for having unfair advantage.
Katy Perry gets the best covers!
Wow, you said it well about (not) spotting the privilege and getting over it.
So, tabloids are like those annoying relatives guessing (=nagging) when you'll get married and have kids, commenting on your looks which are never okay (too skinny - you need to eat more, overweight - you have really let yourself go). We should be avoiding those, not paying to hear more from them :)
Hahaha, I guess you could expect that. But horrible nonetheless.
I'm not sure what it was flavoured (don't speak Turkish), I meant that I imagine you could find a gum that is not too sweet but doesn't taste like crap either. I just bought a gum thinking it's mint or something generic.
For me, nicotine gums have the 'old gum' taste. I also feel cheated, mine didn't even have a poem. We called it soup-gum.
It didn't crumble but I think there's a difference between 'not sweet' and 'add some water and salt and you have a soup'.
On the gum: I once tried Turkish gum that tasted like raw parsley and carrots (not in a good way). You only give this shit to someone you hate.
I literally lol-ed. I don't talk to my mom and whenever someone asks why I'll answer that our issues are non-cheese related.
I didn't notice that at all. But even with missing that the / should have tipped me off. Fail.
Yes and no. Yes, if you think that wearing swastika even for costume purpose is offensive. No because catholic church is not innocent in that regards and was certainly an enabler (and what boooooo said).
Is this on purpose or is it 'irony' that it's Polish domain?
But why not leave the gray area for the doctor & woman in that extremely rare cases? Laws don't cover absolutely all situations in life and I think focusing on such rare cases drives away from the main point. And as many said, inducing labour and premature birth is it's own set of problems, so if there is such case I…
I totally agree! As a non-scientist it's hard to know which articles actually report well on the topic. I'm glad that Jezebel has some smart commenters so I can search for them and see what they think on the topic.
Thank you for this article, I never heard of her before and I'm glad I did.
Oh, I didn't know that you need to pay. I wander how it works, someone nominates you but then you decide when do you actually want to get it? I know nothing about star-giving, I just think Ellen has been amazing for a long time.
Why, what, how... has this happened only now?!
I agree with the fact that proposal is something you should *discuss* before, it's not just one party asking the other and they need to make on spot decision (pubic or private). I think any proposal that was not basically agreed before is ... controlling and manipulative.
Well, in my country you MUST go to school, curriculum and text-books are approved by a government. I'm not sure to which degree parents would be persecuted, but it's illegal not to allow your children to go to school.