Rides towards the night

I’d be thrilled if I could say I read 1000 books in past 4 years. I didn’t. Not even picture books nor audio books nor books I didn’t understand. So yeah, she’s awesome in my book -.-

Agreed, like Doctor Who that had some (not many but still) non-white characters and it wasn’t really a big deal even when they travelled in past in Europe. You’re talking about time-and-space-travelling and ailens invasions, it’s not that much of a stretch to have a black lady without anyone pointing it out.

What you wrote is all more or less true but unfortunately the only solution you provide is let hundreds / thousands dye of dehydration or starvation. So yeah, no solution will be ideal, but let’s take one that will result in less dying.

This is a four years old article but this is the best salad I ever had (and I *like* salads)! Amazing

In some parts of the world we see Ms Albright as a war-mongerer and a war-profiteer so we would be thrilled if USA would not follow her opinions on foreign policy.

I don’t know who and how to approach with the topic of salary. My supervisor who’s doing my yearly review has no influence on my salary (I think), probably doesn’t even know what it is and isn’t good in negotiating her own salary. Her boss is the right person, I feel strange just mailing him “hi, can we talk abot my

Not everywhere - when I donated they told me they test each sample separately. But I’m also in a country where they’re extremely picky about donors because we have enough (and sometimes even too much) of them.

I absolutely love this movie.

Yeah, we Europeans should really look up to Saudi Arabia when deciding on our policies and attitude...

If you want to see how legalised prostitution looks like, Amsterdam is the worst. There you see how legalised sex work + legalised weed + tons of disgusting tourists coming for these two reasons only look like. Go to any other city in The Netherlands and you’ll see a completely different picture.

This is the best comment and it made me literally rofl (except on the bed). The second quote especially. It made my day.

If I were sober, I would never DUI.

Thank you for your work. Media presenting such events and marking them as sexist plays an important role in their cancelation.

I think we can agree here - I'm also not above criticising sexism here; IRL I do it all the time :)

Sorry, I assumed you're from US, my mistake. I find it strange that you have so strong opinion of sexisem in EE living in a country that was one of the last in Europe to give women full voting rigths (in 70s, on cantonal level the last canton only in *1990*). I won't say more about Swiss sexisem since I only have

Making a blanket statement about ignorance of half an continent doesn't make you sound very open-minded. Specially when you really went out of your way on this article to point this out.
I'm not saying sexisem doesn't exist. It does. I said there are feminists. Like the person who notified Jezebel, I'm sure she's at

Wow, what an ignorant blanket statement. I'm not surprised that you don't hang out with forward thinking people. An Eastern European feminist right here & I have friends as well. My country always ranks much higher than USA in women's well being and equality (>95% equality in earnings, very low mortality during

Don't worry, whole Europe is incredibly racist (nationalist?) agains Romanis. The only difference is that some countries (Western Europe) got rid of them in certain war that happened half a century ago.

I have nephews that is just few years younger than my youngest brother and yes, it was sometimes hard for him to understand. But my dad was aware of this so I guess he was careful not to spoil his grandchildren too much. He's also not the kind of grandparent who will just spoil, he always educates etc. I think it's

I'm sorry you have to go trough this. I had them twice as adult (I also have no kids), caugth them at the beach. I casually tell people I had lice just to destigmatise them. Combing them out was pain in the ass, if I ever get them again, I think I'll just cut my hair, it's easier to get them out. Anyway, my solution -