
Don’t make me think about how Chik-Fil-A tastes. My boycott will stand the test of time, but man, did their food taste good.

I heartily agree with your disagreement.

You need new people. I’ve spent the last hour liking all the “FUCK YEAH RAINBOWS” posts.

Imma bring this out again.

via Google news, I landed on an opinion piece on USA today (I clicked the wrong link, I was crying so happily) that was like, “no, don’t worry, straight-marriage will win out, it’s not going away.” like now straight marriage is banned or something.

Glad I flipped it on in time to catch the tip

Afternoon, my octaroon!

Unhappiness for all!

So Gay marriage is pretty much like regular marriage? Got it!

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

Or how betrayed she would feel that her own father, a person who is supposed to love and protect her, would become a bully too? She must have felt like absolutely no one would support and protect her. How terribly sad.

“You ain’t no real nigga. You a white boy, you preppy, you rich boy.”

Those are probably the same people who had a bitch fit that there was such a push for Jesse Williams to be Finnick, too. OVER. IT.

Yup, there are literally none. Had to be Emma Stone. Just like Tiger Lily had to be played by Rooney Mara in Pan and Joel Edgerton had to be Ramses in Exodus. God, those casting people have it rough, eh?

You guys, it's just SO HARD to find Asian actresses? It's not our fault that acting doesn't seem like a viable career choice for POC, so we perpetuate a system where the laziest, easiest option is to just hire another white face. SO HARD.