Haha, I wish I’d known half of this info when I was a teen too :)
Haha, I wish I’d known half of this info when I was a teen too :)
The Cliteracy Project is such a thing of beauty. There’s an extensive section on it at the Huffington Post: http://projects.huffingtonpost.com/cliteracy
Was anyone else as devastated as I was when Gawker recently axed Housewives recaps for the second time? It’s hard to find a place to discuss the shows where people have the right attitude and sense of humor about them, instead of taking them waaaay too seriously. Vulture’s recaps are fun but I can’t stand their…
I was mistaken for a coat check boy in a restaurant and an usher at the symphony once. I can’t tell you how offensive it is. To this day, I’m sorry I didn’t take the ladies coat and leave. She was wearing a full length white mink and looked like a polar bear.
Satchels of gold, for sure!
The episode where Bethenny pretended to fall asleep while Heather was explaining that Kristen Taekman was disappointed that she wanted invited to a party was actually the RUDEST, most childish, unbecoming, piggish thing I have ever seen an adult human do on television. RAGED.
I’m so hot and cold with Bethenny, I get that the tough chick, straight shooter is her sthick, but she could work on being less asshole-y with her delivery.
Dorinda dealing with Drunkass Sonja has been the highlight of the season so far.
She is completely unlikeable after watching her mistake a guy for a waiter/coat check because he was black and dressed nicely.
OMG thank you for this gem of nostalgia/delusion
Do. Not. Believe. I have imaged myself having sex with Idris Elba and Tom Hardy many, many times and my neurological system does not believe it really happened.
... I would love to eavesdrop on Dorinda and Big Ange on a Sephora trip. Just for the voices.
That is not a human head, that is Christmas ham with a face carved into it.