
I often see white parents with obviously adopted black children, I’d call the police but they’d probably arrest the kids.

My God. Give these White women back their opiods. Hell, put it in their lattes and brewed teas. They are cutting the eff up without it.

“Mikey... Mikey... we never told you that you were adopted. We figured you knew... You’re a 50-year-old man. This never dawned on you?”

Bring back "Jane by Design"!

Boy was I happy when this article was finally ogre.

I wonder what Gendry’s upper body will look like after 5 seasons of rowing nonstop.

“Oh” - Everyone in Baelor’s Sept

A girl has a list.

A girl is Hannibal Lecter

“Welp.” - Mace Tyrell

Well now I know why they call it King’s Landing.

She has such a sour expression all the time. She’s probably a miserable person who wasiserable and not active in high school, then expected to get into a good school because of daddy. Of course, when it didn’t happen, it was some brown person’s fault. Eye roll.

If they ever make a Lifetime movie about her, it better be called “Aggressively Mediocre".

Wow. So she wasn’t even arguing for a meritocratic process in the first place. In addition to assigning herself the public roll of entitled dim-wit and poster child for white mediocrity and fragility, she also illustrates the acute dangers of parents blowing smoke up their snowflakes’ buttholes.

The problem is, she’s seen the second half of rom-coms, and figured if she just kept trying, UT would finally see how perfect she is for them!

But even white people get rejected sometimes! Has she never seen the first half of any romcom?

So basically, to get into U of T you have to be in the top 10% of your class, which she was not, or have an excellent extracurricular resume, which she did not. It’s amazing/alarming that this case still made it to SCOTUS.

I’m going to be THAT GUY FROM TEXAS here. The only acceptable BBQ sides are: