
What To Do If There's A Measles Outbreak Near You?

"Don't chew out your anti-vaxxer friends." No, instead cease being friends with them. They are gullible, willfully stupid and narcissistic and this is just the tip of the iceberg as to what they could do to you. If they are willing to look science in the face and endanger the lives of their close friends children,

If you have friends who are anti-vaxxers, you're a terrible person, who is probably also an anti-science person.

I know my calculus. It says U + Me = usssssssssssssssss

I think it's been well established that Terrance Howard's character isn't exactly the most sensitive person when it comes to approaching same sex relationships and given previous episodes he doesn't seem to know how they work either. You have a bi-girlfriend with a girlfriend of her own? That means your girlfriend's

Or never, ever pulling the shower curtain closed ever. ever.

I knew Man-dy was The One (not really, but this made me like him a lot more) when he first masturbated in front of me. It got me really turned on, so we ended up having sex anyway, but every once in awhile I just lend a hand. Or go back to sleep, depending on my mood. I love that it's not a shameful thing for him. My

"stroke stroke stroke your boat, gently down the fap. Fappity fappity fapppity fap. Life is but a FAP."

Same. Or I start singing "Stroke it real good!" to the tune of Salt N Pepa's Push It.

"Save your protest energy for more important matters, like wet towels on the bed."

I just say with increasing volume, "fap fap Fap FAP FAP FAP FAP". It usually gets a laugh out of him.

AND is constantly being assured that she shouldn't because, you know, haters gonna hate. All criticism is just jealous haters jealously hating.

Not just that, she just flat out doesn't seem to care.

I would be much more impressed if the news was she started taking classes on racism, white privilege, whitewashing, etc. There are lots of problematic celebrities that I love anyways, but the issue for me with Dunham is that she never seems to learn.

I agree there needs to be more black gay male characters. Can't believe you left one of the best ones out with your opening list-

My father prided himself on how he had never laid a hand on us (after we grew out of spankings for misbehavior). Unfortunately, he was big on the emotional and verbal abuse. Just because the abuse is invisible doesn't mean it's not there.

I think a lot of this is that people who are close with their family don't understand the concept of not being close with your family. My parents weren't abusive, and I don't actively dislike them or anything, but...I just don't want to be around them. Like, almost ever. I have one or two things in common with my

Yeah, if your take on your adult children telling you why they're upset is "they open their mouths and all I hear is whomp whomp whomp" then I don't think /they're/ the problem.

"When something, or more specifically,someone, no longer supports the view you have of yourself "

"They accuse me of being a terrible person, but won't elaborate about exactly what I've done. Well, sometimes they do, but it doesn't make sense, at least to me."