"I am pregnant and my right index finger is 12 inches long, AMA"
I'm from Mississippi and I completely agree. Places like New Orleans have a denser population, so the intolerance is buried under a thin layer. I currently live in Oxford, which is probably the most tolerant city for miles(the place where the James Meredith statue was vandalized and a black college freshman's car was…
I was a fan of the critically reviled sitcom Still Standing. On one episode one of the main characters learned that his friend's star athlete honor student child was gay. He told his friend. His friend didn't mind and said something like that he'd rather have a good kid that was gay than a bad kid.
I will start by saying I made a new account to post with because I do not want to post on my real account and out myself.
Someone said to me recently "So are you okay that your son is GAY?! *gasp*. My simple response "I am proud of my awesome son, and would rather an awesome gay kid than an asshole straight one." *pointed look in commenters direction*
By doing shitty things in the name of Christianity, they are still doing shitty things in the name of Christianity - no matter what you believe Christianity is actually supposed to be.
"Meaning well" isn't worth a shit when this is the result. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, right? You can mean well until the cows come home, but if you are so inwardly focused as to dwell on your intentions and force your will on others without examining the consequences, you are willfully ignorant at…
Oh, I know. It just seems like THAT is disordered thinking because I cannot reconcile it. You, as a parent, would rather have a straight murderer - literally someone that killed another person - than a gay or trans child? When I think of all the things my hypothetical child could do to make me love them less,…
No. It's not enough. The mother is still referring to her as a boy and claiming that 'he' is up in Heaven as an angel now. She didn't learn a single lesson.
Ya, "No True Scotsman", eh?
They didn't lose their kid — they drove their own child to self-destruct, because they couldn't let her live as a person instead of as an extension of themselves.
It'd be great if people could do that, but so many people have kids bc they're trying to make a mini replica of themselves, live through childhood again, or psychically work out their own failures through the kid. Many parents are treating their kids like shit for life bc the kid decided to be their own person, & had…
I sincerely feel terrible for the truck driver. What a heavy, heavy burden. I hope the parents aren't stupid enough to sue the driver, as there was nothing he could have done to prevent it, but I have a feeling they are going to deny, deny, deny.
Jeffrey Dahmer's mother loved him and supported him, and he was a serial killer that ate his victims and was building an altar out of their skulls.
"My sweet 16 year old son, Joshua Ryan Alcorn went home to heaven this morning. He was out for an early morning walk and was hit by a truck."
Just love your kids.
Judging by the Tumblr, she was a fan of Sailor Moon, feminism, and stockings with cats on them