When this woman shows her ass, she really puts her back into it.
When this woman shows her ass, she really puts her back into it.
I have no idea how anyone could watch that scene and conclude anything other than that this is Olivia kicking ass and taking names. I remember watching that episode doing an air-punch, because finally she was calling Fitz's petulant, childish fuckery. Calling it a "rant" is so massively wrong that I feel like she must…
Yeah, I snorted at that and immediately thought, "Wow, Clair Huxtable, benign? That is going to come as a real shock to Elvin."
she's all oh! a dark skinned woman on tv! well bless her heart, good for her!
I just want to draw some quick attention to this line from Stanley's NYT piece (emphasis mine):
i like how it was all just like WHY CANT YOU WRITE NICE BLACK LADIES WHO ARE NICE????? YOU MUST NOT BE NICE. like who are you, a five year old?
"Can we start a Kickstarter for chairs? Thousands and thousands of chairs so that Stanley can have all the seats she needs to have." Thank you for making me laugh; reading this fool's take on "The One-Dimensional Black Woman" made my blood pressure rise. A smibillion stars for you.
Lord. Does this woman even watch these shows?
The best thing about Shonda is that her characters, all of them, are so deeply human. Shonda isn't reinventing the black woman, she's showing them as they actually are, for the first time. Black women are complex and vulnerable. All women are. Shonda has done so much for…
Can we start a Kickstarter for chairs? Thousands and thousands of chairs so that Stanley can have all the seats she needs to have.
I think I heard her on the say it on the Oprah show about her. This was a dumb reporter and really sad because this is a huge moment for WOC. She writes shows that are dynamic, interesting and gossipy without losing wit or relying on tired story lines and in a time when people think reality TV killed scripted shows.…
Or "How to Miraculously Keep Your Prestigious Job at One of the World's Biggest Newspapers While Completely Sucking Balls At It In a Manner Akin to a Fiery Car Crash Despite The Certain Fact That There Are Probably Hundreds of TV Critics Who Would Write Better and Fuck Up Much Less In Your Position"
"The Quickest Way to Out Yourself as a Racist."
This is ridiculous considering the character most like her by her own words is Christina Yang.
I hate that as I am nearing the end of my twenties, my bubble of "people are just ignorant because they don't know better! They'll be better once they understand!" is popping and transforming into, "Nope. People just don't want to know better."
When Alessandra Stanley writes her autobiography, it should be called "How to Make a Black Woman Angry."