I would say it's conversation bias, as stuff with lesbians help make girls who like girls realize that they like girls.
I would say it's conversation bias, as stuff with lesbians help make girls who like girls realize that they like girls.
Well, I certainly know 'Blue is The Warmest Color' gave me funny feelings down there when I watched it a couple of weeks ago. I just thought it was because I'm bisexual and Lea Seydoux makes a hot Soft Butch chick, but Pat Robertson and the power of Christ have opened my eyes! Hallelujah! I'M CURED*!
The Straights don't have the brainwashing agenda that The Gays do.
Parents like that tend to keep a stranglehold on their children well into adulthood. It's part of the system of control.
"grab that adulthood by the vagina"!
I need a harem. Is that an option? Because my husband seems to want a cookie today for unloading the dishwasher for about the third time since January, and I would like a second husband to hang out with right now.
I watched a show on Panda conservation and now I'm only interested in sex once a year for a few hours.
Well failing to empty the dishwater seems like more a life choice than being gay. For the sake of my sanity I'm going to interpret every dog-whistle reference to life-choices as "failing to empty the dish water" from now on. because people that do that might actual deserve a fiery hell.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaah . . . remember when Pat Robertson said that Haiti's earthquake was caused because Haitians worshipped Satan?
I didn't need to see girl-on-girl action on the teevee to realize I liked women. Christina Applegate as Kelly Bundy, though, all bleach-blonde and leather jacket, was the first girl that made me feel tingly. I remember thinking to myself, as a five/six year old - "gosh, I wish she'd come over and babysit me."
Whelp, I am totally okay with Betty McRea and Cosima helping me out with my sexuality. Still not there yet, but having these characters help.
Interesting. I would have guessed 700 was the age of all his opinions.
....but going "deeper and deeper" into it is the best part, Pat!
I'm confused because as a gay guy I've spent DECADES watching almost exclusively straight couples on tv and in movies and try as they might they haven't seemed to turn me straight... So how does this work?
I really blame my parents for not letting me watch Buffy during my formative years. I think it definitely would have helped me figure a few things out sooner. Like the huge confusing, horrible devastating crush I had on my friend at 13, that I didn't realize meant you know, liking girls, until I went to college and oh…
So what are the names of all of these "girl on girl" movies? You know, for research.
To be fair, if my choice was between ladies and Pat Robertson, I'd stick with the ladies.
Well I did realize that I wanted to kiss girls like Willow kissed Tara, so he might be on to something. It probably has nothing to do with the fact that Willow and Tara were the first lesbian relationship I was exposed to and was finally able to identify with a character's romantic relationship. Stay classy Pat.
America's creepy old uncle everyone wishes would stop coming to family functions.