I don’t see what is so curious about it? It indicates that Sony has not responded but only due to deadline issues. It’s in contrast to say ‘Sony has refused to comment on this issue when contacted’. Sony just hasn’t said anything, YET.
TIL: You really CAN shoot your way out as you taxi along the runway in a fighter jet.
No, it doesn’t. You’re dismissing the virtual experience of being strapped into one of the fastest, powerful, and numble things that fly in the air for getting to go up in a Cessna. A experience of being in a fighter jet is something only an minority have experienced and it’s not something you can ‘just do’ tomorrow.
You could drive a Toyota Camry in real life tomorrow, so who would want to use VR to drive an F-1 car down the Indianapolis Speedway, right?
People from a website LITERALLY BUILT OF MEMES, trying to say that OTHER PEOPLE who ‘say the same things over and over’ are the the NPCs... Uh huh
Yup, I’ll 100% take even a terrible job while job hunting, than being unemployed while job hunting. It also messes with your judgement, if you’re unemployed you will EVENTUALLY need a job, so you might take something rather than keep waiting for better options if you NEED the new job.
I get the fantasy of ‘Take this…
Eh, in most regions you don’t get unemployment benefits if you QUIT your job, only if you’re terminated. (Of course not all types of employment get this, ugh, term contract employment) S0 even if you wanted ‘Out’, the smart move is to seek a new job WHILE employed rather than while unemployed. Better yet if you could…
What I hate most about moving is the realization that comes with it; That the and safe feeling and idea of permanency of ‘Home’ can actually be simply put into boxes, placed in a truck, and relocated, with only a couple of days of work. o________o
One for the desktop, one for the livingroom HTPC, one for the bedroom HTPC. :D
I imagine most generic as heck DInput control pads or anything else in that class.
I literally have this set of wireless 360 pads and a number of receiver dongles just for PC gaming. :D
If you go by the actual percentage return on their investments they actually do WORSE each time. :O
I bet you’re a real bummer at parties.
The south MAYBE. Not likely the NORTH. Here in Canada most of our illegal weapons are purchased legally in the US and smuggled North. I assure you, YOUR country is the source of our illegal gun problem.
I’m not sure I want to know WHY he’s doing that.
I mean they WILL need the money after the survivors of the dead mother and child sue the bejebus out of Heitmann’s estate.
Is... That a guy in a Winnie The Pooh costume reporting on a death...?
Before anyone says ‘Good’ because they disliked him, remember, a mother and child died at his hands in this.
I’m not cool so can someone explain to me what these people... DO? The people I follow on YouTube DO things, they post reviews, scripted content, instructional content, documentary/retrospective, or present informative science content. But these people are just ‘YouTubers’ without titles? What... What do they DO on…