Does this include Amazon Prime members in Canada or is this a US exclusive?
Does this include Amazon Prime members in Canada or is this a US exclusive?
Does this include Amazon Prime members in Canada or is this a US exclusive?
Does this include Amazon Prime members in Canada or is this a US exclusive?
Meanwhile, if the guy had been caught with POT in Japan, he’d be black listed and they’d try to erase him from history. o.O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
“I think I should be paid better, especially on over time.”
How fucked must a car factory be to need to pay a temp agency to fill it’s ranks?
Yeah but if it had not been for Kotaku contacting Valve in the first place, it seems that Valve would have left the dev to linger because his emails weren’t ‘important enough’.
Yup, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks. I guess I should be glad that I can sniff out ‘When I’m being sold something’.
I feel you on this. Something about this feels almost too engineered? Like, in real life I can only imagine some gamers going ‘Well start a bully hunting team and take on the griefers!’ and the idea fizzling out in a few hours. This seems... Weirdly well setup for it’s launch. Like I half expect t his to be some kinda…
Murdering the judge of your murder trial in hopes that you can escape the murder charges?
This is kinda where I’m at.
“My client is not a flight risk.”
“You said that last time and now your client is charged with murder from the victim of a rape case.”
“Kay, how about $250 000?”
Also, how does bail work. Like I get the core concept ‘You give us a bunch of money and we’ll let you not sit in jail until your…
I mean, he did spend 12 years basically playing with dogs every day. Now he has to do human things, tweet about the meal he’s eating and make sure he’s up to date on Game Of Thrones so he can talk about it with other humans. Who would NOT be disappointed by that?
His plan to keep himself out of prison has worked perfectly.
Ahhh, well, that would make more sense, okay. Cause, I was thinking surgical and then imagining it being like trying to stop a wisdom tooth removal halfway, you kinda can’t just jam it back in there. o.O
Can someone clarify to me, who is ignorant on actual abortion procedures, how there is really even a ‘midway point’ where it can be reversed? Like, my limited understanding has been that an abortion is a one time procedure done in one go? Or am I just a bajillion times wrong?
I took it the other way. Admittedly, I’m ALSO in the film industry, but in my experience ‘film students’ snub anything that isn’t ‘art’ and they find it hard to just go ‘That was fun and cool, yay!’. They have to go ‘Ohhhh, the CINEMATOGRAPHY! :O’ about something.
“Mankind invents gravy stealing plate. Civilization ends.”
“Mankind invents gravy stealing plate. Civilization ends.”
It would also be critical to note that while the Thompson was available for sale to the public it wasn’t easy to acquire. It cost $200 in 1921 or if you account for inflation since then, or about $2800 USD today. The annual wage in 1921 was about $1400 at the time. So if you wanted to start your own private war, it…
I have serious doubts that it can happen. There’s really just too much fear weather they should actually be afraid or not. I’m in the film industry and even lead a failed unionization drive at a large company of 350ish employees. It basically died when the employees, mostly millenials not to far out of College,…
Legal defense plan:
Phase I: Plead Not Guilty
Phase II: State to the media that you totally DID do all those things but you’re sorry.
Phase III: ???
Phase IV: Found Not Guilty
Meanwhile, employers is MOST industries are extremely aggressive when it comes to their demands.
I realized that anime was mainstream when my mother, who I don’t talk about anime with really, commented that anime was ‘really popular these days’ and she got that idea from information not provided by me. o____o