
Oh, so I’ll get my nifty statue and stuff on Tuesday, but the game code will only redeem me a ‘pre-order’ for the game? Well at least I get the loot on Tuesday. I mean, that’s not so bad, right?


I pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition on Amazon, do I get a free copy of Sonic? o.O

On that note, I’ve been wondering when ‘Retro Styled Gaming’ would move up from the 8 and 16 bit era and move up to the polygon jitter and texture clamping of the 32bit era for that PlayStation aesthetic. :D

The thing is, I’m not sure it’d work commercially. Sonic Mania works cause it’s ‘Just like your Childhood Genesis Sonic, but better!’. Once you get into areas of ‘Games that should have been but never were’ while emulating the aesthetic of unsuccessful hardware, you’ll lose a lot of audience.

I was using Minecraft as an example of a that runs like a ‘fun awesome toybox’ that doesn’t *require* ‘passion’ to be deeply enjoyed for hours or hours.

Also, wow, so you go off ‘Grandma’s Playing Phone Games’ but now you’re boo-hooing about being ‘ridiculed for liking Minecraft, Sims, Splatoon, Mario, Sonic, Final

And, this might shock you but, most people just play games as an entertainment product. :O They do it to spend leisure time. And I get that for some it’s much more, like the ideological that you subscribe to, but that doesn’t make that the be all and end all of what ‘gaming’ is.

Even as you desperately try to define

Yet we don’t see anyone arguing that ‘there are no women drivers’. :) Maybe there are less women who are ‘Gear Heads’. But, here’s the cool bit... Most cars aren’t targeted at ‘Gear Heads’ but ‘Drivers’. The features and functions offered in most consumer motor vehicles are for ‘drivers’.

But you’re trying to arguer

Careful there Chris-chan, getting a little to obsessed about your Sonic art styles. :O

Or people who operate cars calling them selves ‘drivers’! :O

The problem here is that you’re trying to define a ‘Gamer’ as something more specific than ‘Someone Who Plays Games’ so as to suit your definitions.

Let’s not kid ourselves here, by trying to define gaming as people who ‘ENJOY a hobby, have a passion for it

No no, we need to progress in tech as if we’re in an alternate timeline where Sega didn’t go off the rails in the late 90s. As if the Saturn hadn’t failed and the Dreamcast, while good, wasn’t curb stomped by the PlayStation 2.

So next stop is a GOOD 3D Sonic platformer with chunky Saturn style graphics, al la Mario

This weekend I’m hacking up a 3 button Sega Genesis controller to run as a wireless BlueTooth pad with some Adafruit hardware, just for this game, and I’m worried I won’t be done in time. :(

Okay, so, people who aren’t doing the ‘hobby of playing video games’ but are playing video games as an entertainment product are not ‘gamers’ because they are just ‘wasting time’.

Okay, sidebar, wasting time? Because maybe I’m gaming wrong. ...But what the heck am I supposed to be doing with games if not wasting time?

When when faced with these numbers, self identified ‘gamers’ feel the need to ride wide swaths of games that ‘don’t count’ because they ‘aren’t real games’. Then the argument comes down to ‘Not as many women play games where you shoot people in the face, because those are the only real games, so half of gamers aren’t

Actually, and there’s been a LOT of reports that cover the gender ratio in gaming and it’s basically split 50/50. When when faced with these numbers, self identified ‘gamers’ feel the need to ride wide swaths of games that ‘don’t count’ because they ‘aren’t real games’. Then the argument comes down to ‘Not as many

Ya know, I only identified anyone as “the resistance some people have to diversity in the game industry.”.

Seems to be you guys bringing the term ‘White Male’ into the conversation. Funny that, no?

Ya know, most people woulda just gone with ‘Ohh.. I’m being trolled. ...Damn it.’ But I do appreciate you going those lengths to communicate your frustration with not being taken seriously. It’s more satisfying. Most people wouldn’t have preferred to deny me that satisfaction by ending the conversation when they

For comical effect, you ironically told the ‘woe-some’ story of ‘The poor white men, who will be victims of racism’ if women get jobs. It’s a pretty common comical vehicle in comment threads. You know like when someone pastes the ‘Won’t somebody please think of the children!?’ image meme from The Simpsons. They

Well, that’s a pretty unreasonable request. Shouldn’t you say something meaningful first instead of telling jokes from a comical faux perspective of ‘The Poor Oppressed White Men’? :O

That’s a great joke! Do you tell it at parties? :)

I’m always baffled by the resistance some people have to diversity in the game industry. More diverse game production staff means more diverse ideas which means more diverse game selections and content.

I get that some people are just HAPPY with the same BroShooter and Football sequels year after year, but that’s like