

Pfft, 'Courtney' was a perfectly fine name for a boy.

HERE HERE! Steam needs more boys kissing!

How do I get just this without the rest of CoD? I'm not into bro shooters, but I want this DLC. D:

<3 Zarya <3

Pay...Per...View? What are you? Some kind of time traveling man from the 1990s!? Oh my god you are. YOU HAVE TO WARN YOUR PEOPLE ABOUT 9/11 WHILE THERE'S STILL TIME!

“Well, see, we made a design with EACH of the possible ratings and... I think we sent the wrong PSD/PDF to the printers...”

I’m not really surprised the game flopped though. It didn’t look much unlike Ghostbusters Sanctum Of Slime which also flopped. From first look my thoughts on BOTH games were ‘Oh look, they slapped the Ghostbusters brand on some generic top down twin stick shooter’.

Some how the Republicans must find a way to link Obama to this!

I had to stay for the credits... I worked on it! :D Sadly, since I only worked on a few shots, my name did NOT make the credits, but a number of my co-workers made it in.

I was in the audience last night on opening night. My god the movie is great. What I also realized was that I was in an audience full of fans. People applauded and cheered at the cameos, they laughed outloud, I really felt like everyone got every bit of the movie along with me and my friends. I loved the experience.

Section 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, to be precise.

Ya know, here in Canada, if an ordinary citizen arrests someone who they find immediately in commission of a crime, they have a legal responsibility to turn that person over to a peace officer as soon as possible. Any other course of action is illegal detainment (Kidnapping). o.O

The rainbow ribbon on his shirt is a nice touch.

Honestly... This unsettles me and it hits closer to home than I’m used to. I’m Canadian, I enjoy being in Canada and the civil rights we have here. I’ve enjoyed a good bit of schadenfreude as American ‘Moral Majority’ activists have lost at most turn in their fight against LGBT rights. When the SCOTUS decision dropped

If you account for inflation from 1994 to 2016, it was still less than $500 today. That’s NOTHING in comparison to fucking over your employer. Like, that’s a trivial amount to risk getting yourself blacklisted from your entire god damned industry.

Only by bannish this man from the women’s restroom could he have been stopped from preying on the men in his courtroom!

In the short term, yes. But Microsoft doesn’t do ‘Short Term’. Even the classic Xbox was a HUGE money loser. Xbox Division lost -billions- at first. It was an attempt to get into the living room and so far it’s worked. The 360 was a huge hit despite massive hardware issues. The Xbox One is competitive but you have to

Eh, a lot of people have certain expectations of a new Ghostbusters film and they’re never going to get it. Ghostbusters was an early 80's comedy and a lot of fans would never be satisfied unless they were given another early 80's comedy in the year 2016 which isn’t going to happen. Even the gentle horror vibe that

So, I’m curious. One of the The SteamMachine’s greatest weaknesses was it’s lack of built in, ready to roll, controller friendly media options. Most consoles could get you YouTube, Twitch, CrunchyRoll, Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Instant and many others with native built in apps. This was something the Steam Machine just