
Except for how Jenner didn’t think that same sex marriage was okay until about sometime last week?

We just traded shiny bones and remained paired until one of the bones was lost, in a godless tradition prior to 1910. Literally, WWI was about the creation of marriage and nothing else.

“we don’t have to change the names of colors just to accommodate them. Red must remain red, and they shouldn’t be free to teach kids that red is something else.”

Still waiting on ‘Twitch Plays Chess’. :P

That was what put me off. “This show is like ‘The Transwoman and her super fucked up, upper middle class adult children, who think they are the center of the universe.”

“Try our beds! You can have sex on them even!”
“HOLY CRAP! I didn't even know you could do it on beds, I'm sold! No more having sex on gravel like a sucker!"

This. They’re like “I feel like the government should be stopping people from getting married, regardless of who they are. And our nation shouldn’t be declaring war on the rest of the planet.” and you’re all “Right on man!” Then they go “Also, it should be the free market that determines if I can ban them darkies and

Totes. This many Civs and desperate attempts to win. Not to mention, once someone drops the bomb, everyone else tends to take it as the go ahead to do the same.

Didn't she herself declare that such licenses were not valid while she was in jail?

Who the hell picks BlogTo.Com as their venue of choice for misogyny? I enjoy the blog but it’s basically nothing but food porn, house porn, hipster beers and HDR photos of the TTC. o.O

I’ve clearly missed some key plot points but I gave up after like five episodes. I remember Halle Berry, her white Chicago County General ER doctor husband and white AstroBoy child. o.O

Then her being jailed for contempt was effective then.

“Five out of six clerk deputies let go, ‘budget cuts’ cited, ‘Hey Mom’ last remaining deputy quoted saying.

Didn’t she refuse to allow the deputies to handle the marriage licenses and make any effort to stop them from doing so prior to being jailed for contempt?

Conservatives seeking to escape same sex marriage and ObamaCare.

You seem to misunderstand. The wall is to keep the Americans out of Canada, not the other way around. :)

I feel like the iconic Gravis Gamepad would be more suitable in a setup like this. However his pad does look BETTER than the Gravis GamePad.

Muslims are of the WRONG religion, that is, any religion that isn’t hers, so they totes don’t count.

I have totally priced matched things in the $150 range to save 70 cents at one point or another. >_>