Seems if you have it set for ‘newest’ it’ll scroll from top to bottom and the top is constantly growing. Go for oldest to newest and you can actually READ it.
Seems if you have it set for ‘newest’ it’ll scroll from top to bottom and the top is constantly growing. Go for oldest to newest and you can actually READ it.
He’ll rebel against same sex marriage by marrying someone of a different sex. That dastardly fiend!
Are you kidding it? I’m LOVING it. Fox News comments right now are more fun pages full of captioned cats. Look at some of these gems!
If they banned gay marriage, what would have been next? Banning straight marriage? Banning marriage to JESUS? What would the NUNS do!?
Sorry Jezebel comment section, this is great news and all but what I -really- want to read right now is the comment sections of conservative sites instead. I want to taste their tears. >:3
I’m really sorry, I read that as a direct reply to me, totally my misunderstanding. I see now you were responding to someone else.
I live in Canada and this isn’t really a problem here. ...Maybe because 10% of retail transactions in our country are even DONE in Cash these days. Hell we even have TWO DOLLAR COINS.
I can’t tell if it’s subtle satire or a legit error that you didn’t spell his name correctly...
When it comes to trans people and chosing their own names, they sometimes take 'unique' to 'Just swapping our vowels until I feel enough like an ultra special unicorn'. I meat a trans-woman named 'Stefonknee' for example. 'Steh-Fonk-Nee' people called her behind her back.
With a stated flight cost of $100 000 per hour and mission cost of one million dollars, it works out to ten hour missions. You’re probably going to find that a ten hour four engined flight is going to cost a LOT more than a flight across the United States which would only take a few hours. Not to mention additional…
Apparently the one that Fry’s Elecontronics owned and flew, N747A, is up for sale! You could have one of your own!
“Schuyler Bailar”
Sounds like a proper old money Harvard name to me. D: That or the name of one of Paris Hiltons dogs...
‘Jitterbug’ is what you say before ‘Wake me up before you go-go!’, DUH.
Hey Dylan, how’s that race war a commin’? Blacks out in the streets murdering the whites in a quest for revenge? Whites taking out their god given fire arms to take down them evil negro zombies? Huh? What was that? Oh, people are just burning the confederate flag? Even right wing conservative presidential hopefuls…
Geez, and I thought I paid a lot when I shelled out $20 CAD for Sonic The Hedgehog. ...But it was the original retail version (Not the packin version), with box and manual!
To clarify, our special constables are ‘peace officers’, that’s the legal definition of someone who has superior power to enforce the Criminal Code of Canada. However they are unarmed and you will never see them engaging in what you’d call ‘Real Police Work’. They just like, detain tresspassers or those who commit…
There’s honestly nothing that can really BE done. The school’s can’t engage in punative actions against students who, legally speaking, have done nothing wrong. Frankly, they could be sued for that.
Successful prosecution of sexual assault has the lowest rate of most forms of crime, but this in no way creates a…
Ya know, I’m pretty sure that if I was a church with a freakin’ US NAVY SEAL in the other side of the church and I decided to shoot everyone on one of the churches smaller rooms, I’d totally pull it off. The only difference would be the SEAL woulda dropped me as I tried to escape.