Boooo! Unless early 2016, then, Yaaaay! I was hoping for late 2015 because it’s been in development for a few years now.
Boooo! Unless early 2016, then, Yaaaay! I was hoping for late 2015 because it’s been in development for a few years now.
I’m hoping for a late 2015 release date...No, that is not a typo, 2015..It’s been so long, so long.
I really miss those Glyphs and puzzles in ACII, those were very memorable. The story they told was very intriguing, all about the Apples of Eden and those who have possessed it over the years. I was actually wondering in ACIII when Washington would turn evil or when he would show that he possess a Piece of Eden.
Wouldn’t it be funny if the Gotham TV show was actually heading in this direction, where Gordon is the Batman. They don’t even have to kill Bruce, since he’s just a kid. Maybe they could turn Bruce into Robin or something, that would be a twist.
Tell me...Does he talk?
Will it have the Arkham Freeflow combat system? That’s what I’d really like to know.
I miss the modern day stuff...For me, the modern day stuff started to die during Revelations, it was still a good game though, it was good seeing Altair again.
Maybe they should have turned it upside down and made Mikasa, a Michelle the last Westerner or something. But they probably are skipping that arc, if they’re are not then they are idiots, that doesn’t make any sense to keep it in.
Dem blurry skin textures and eyebrow though :(
Why the hell are you repeating a bunch of sentences in paragraphs 5 and 6??
Yes, it is indeed a DLC, the Knife of Dunwall or maybe Brigmore Witches, you play as Daud(sp?). Before you you killed him in the main game.
Can we get an English transcript of what he’s saying? I’d love to read his reactions on the game.
Mike, is that your natural voice? Man, you have a very deep and good-for-creepy-dark-voiceovers voice.
I read somewhere that there's no level cap, but you just stop leveling up, not because of a limit but because nothing is giving you experience anymore because of your high level.
However, if you download the game's free Beard and Hairstyle DLC, Geralt's facial hair will stop growing and remain unchanged throughout the game.
But that's what I want in a sequel, more of the same but with new features and improved stuff...
Well, atleast the delay is only 21 days...I guess I have 21 more days to stay addicted to the Witcher 3, then.