
Well, atleast the delay is only 21 days...I guess I have 21 more days to stay addicted to the Witcher 3, then.

Apparently the Joker likes to travel...

Wait a minute...I think your pulling my leg...This really is a person in costume, amirite? They switch between CG and practical effects? In this case prosthetics and make-up.

From my perspective(15" laptop, looking at a small sized gif) It looks good, the animation makes it look like a person wearing a costume. But, I am looking at a small gif on a relatively small laptop.


Also worth noting: Noctis can access an ability called "Armiger" that's essentially his version of a limit break, putting him in warp mode and letting him beat up enemies at super-speed. If you saw the E3 2013 trailer, you saw this in action:

The only bane fight where Bane was truly menacing was in Origins where he overdosed on the serum, the fight was basically a predator mode type fight instead of the usual combat.

So...What subscription model are they planning for this game? Pay per play?, Free to play? Buy to play?

I need the SPECIFIIIIICS!! Should I mix them all in equal amounts? Gotta try the cokebullsoda though, I'm feeling curious.

Wow, this looks good, some more work on the animation and this would have been great! What idiot thought this wouldn't sell?!

Maybe a new theme will be opening...Seven flags?

One quick shot of the demo's save files reveal a couple of locations that also never actually made it into the main game—Nahashin Marshes and The Southern Desolation. (Frostback Pass isn't a thing either, but the main keep area of Haven is set in the Frostback Mountains, so those could be one and the same.)

I did, actually. But only once, I already forgot the things that occurred in that story. But, yeah a lot of the game did feel very dragging, I actually felt bored and sleepy on some parts, but the ending was still very great though. Ezio already felt very old and tired throughout the game...Maybe that's the reason why

As much as people hate Revelations, it still had a very heart-warming ending, seeing Ezio finally finish his work, seeing his ancestor Altair. It just felt like everything came full circle for him and he can finally rest now.

For Dragon's Dogma Online, the game will focus on the action, offering things often seen in other online RPGs, like the ability to use characters as jumping boards or to climb on enemies to attack at close range.

I ain't even mad.

Free players will have access to the full game, sans downloadable content. They'll progress a bit slower than paying players, but the experience overall will be the same.

I don't know, have you checked South Korea? If you haven't, you should...

I agree, the x360 controller works so badly when I play psp Emulated games (Monster Hunter series specifically)

Wait, are you sure that's a girl? Kinda looks like a long haired guy, are you sure??