
It's basically an instant then? Is it a one time use or would the mana pool always have that +3 any color mana?

Dammit! I'm starting to regret buying a GTX 680, I should have bought a new GPU after the new generation has started settling in and devs has started adapting the new upgrades :(

But, it's not that inconvenient though because you don't literally travel to go to origins...You're just sitting on your computer, opening a program. It's not really that inconvenient in comparison to your example, Wherein you make it sound like a really big hassle.

Has anybody tried how well the game performs on a 2gb VRAM card with Ultra HD textures activated? (I have a GTX680 DirectCU II Top 2gb)

Where's my bow? I don't want this stupid auto-crossbow!...I miss the bow already :(

So just to make things clear, you CAN still dodge and climb over enemies like in Batman?

I hope senpai will notice me...Instead of the Joker.

Maybe Ubisoft could even copy this for Assassin's Creed's combat, that would be very, very good in my book!

Wait, what? There's a prompt to dodge enemies? You can't just dodge or vault over some enemy like in Batman?

Because the combat is similar to Batman but the game is different from Batman, it's like playing in a different environment as a different character. It's that sort of thing.

I don't think Asylum even had enemies that attacked at the same time, unlike City and Origins.

I hope Rocksteady would use this on a spider-man game...Or any Hero focused on melee, actually. I wonder if this would work on Iron man, I don't think I've ever seen a decent Iron Man game before.

Will Kotaku be reviewing Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments?

I wasn't expecting anything less from Shadow of Mordor. It has combat similar to Arkham and gameplay similar to Assassin's Creed, who doesn't want that? (other than those people not interested in both the games mentioned.) It was destined for greatness from the beginning!

Tabata sat comfortably in a brown leather chair. "I don't feel much pressure," he said. Final Fantasy XV, he explained, was something they were proud of. "I just want to get the game out there, see what people think, and hopefully get a good reaction. So, it's more of me looking forward to that than feeling pressure."

Personally, I prefer this trend over the competitive games that increased in popularity last gen.

Maybe you're talking about Of Orcs and Men? But the strong one wasn't a Goblin though, he was an Orc...

Ron Glass? The black guy in Firefly? The one that played as Shepherd?

I don't think this calendar is that updated...They have Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments releasing on September 2, 2014; Other sites, including this one, has it releasing on September 30, 2014...It also doesn't have a release date for Wasteland 2, but that's more understandable since it's not a triple A release.

OH MAH GHAD! You little bastard you! Cannot unhear :( / :)