
Everyday's a sale when you're a pirate! Amirite?

He's also the one who voiced Kronk in The Emperor's new groove

For me it's because it kinda plays like Borderlands, with the loot and the RPG elements and such. Yeah, I could always play Borderlands, but Destiny is a different game, it has a different environment, different characters, guns, story etc the only thing they share is the gameplay more or less, and that's enough for

Long before, during the Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, and Warcraft II; I used to play the game for the sole purpose of watching the Cinematics after...It kinda felt like the reward for playing the game for me...That's changed now though, but I think I should look for that reason again in games again.

Those are some really bad ass animations! Personally I prefer really well done animations over gameplay and graphics. A game with half decent gameplay and graphics but have awesome animations would be enough for me to play a game...But of course, I would prefer to have a perfect combination of those 3 though.

Wow, I feel like I'm the only one that hasn't played Minecraft...Ever. I did play Terraria though, and still do...Waiting for the Lunar Update...

GameFly rents out free to play games?

Agreed, people bitch about everything these days...If people really wanted sexual equality, we should work to stop the notion of chivalry altogether since it favors one sex over the other.

The game's new co-op missions are optional, all story-based, but can be played solo, too. You find them in the game world. The developers promise that those of us who love playing through the game's solo campaign and side missions will not feel underserved.

To add to my previous reply, my motherboard has 6 slots for RAM, I just used 4.

I'll probably upgrade to a new OS when they release their next iteration of Windows. Just following my brother's upgrade scheme, he went from XP then windows 7 then he'll upgrade when the next one comes...But I guess this all depends if Windows 8 will improve dramatically and become a requirement on games.

Is this game MMO-ish, like Destiny or something? Every gameplay they've shown seems to point in that direction where you work together with other people.

Nice try kid, better luck next time...Maybe when you get a little bit smarter and wittier, try next year perhaps. Stay in school though, you definitely need it ;)

I just hope they have a good cover system now, in the other vid they showed the protagonist took cover behind a table and switched over to another table...I could already imagine doing a cover take down...AWESOME! It would probably look the same as a hay bale take down though, where you grab the target and pull them

It was a good idea to wear a white hooded robe in the first AC because those Priests also wore the same thing, it made you blend in...But subsequent games just made it stupid, why would you still be wearing a hood, you're the only person wearing one!

OR Unviverse-ending-plot...They don't have to trump the urgency and desperation of the Reaper trilogy. The universe they created is already great, all we need is a good story to keep us interested and of course great gameplay.

OHMYGOD!! They have a cover system now! Hopefully a better cover system compared to Black Flag..I think the crouching is similar to Watch Dogs though, where you automatically crouch down when in a restricted area...

I wasn't able to see the vid...Was the protagonist an annoying bastard? I hope he wasn't...

By the way, my GPU is a gtx680, not a 780, I think it was PCIE 2.0 though, I'm not sure. But I think you are right, I should just get a Motherboard that's already PCIe 3.0 ready, for future-proofing right?

This is awesome, a very educational post, I'll copy/paste this on a notepad for future reference, thank you so much for this :D