
MY GOD! Just make a monster hunter for current consoles/pc already! And I don't mean an online only game, a full game that ALSO has an english release! Come on capcom!

No, that's Shade from Captain Scarlett's Butt...

Ahhh, yes now I remember, that annoying guy by the sand pier!

Is that TK Baha? If so, this story takes place before borderlands then?

Duke Nukem Forever?

Real life does not have sprite-like foliage

Another irrelevant kotaku post, great job ;)

Arr, I like the way you think, lad!

I agree...I can understand and really like point and click type games but ONLY if it's on touch based devices, in our modern time, it just makes sense to have point and click games on touch based devices.

Eventhough I have a high-end GPU(Not so high-end now(gtx680)) my CPU's still going to fry from this game (i7-920) And here I thought my rig can still play games on max for the next year or so...

Other influences shine through, too—like Apocolyptico. This is especially true when it comes to the jungles and hunter stylings in the game.

I wonder if my PC can handle this game, i7-520, gtx 680, 10gb ram

The most memorable gaming moment for resistance for me was playing Resistance 2, coop and competitive, the coop was really great and addictive, I was hoping they had improved it on resistance 3...Sadly they removed it :(

Pokeroes? Or Pokehoes?

Aw, I was waiting for the cat to climb the fence for some Cat-Parkour...Feline's Edge?

If this is truly the case then this is my time to shine! Because I really hate zombie/WW2 games...

It kinda looks like he smashed his face on the ground, that's some dedicated groveling!

Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today is a classic 2D adventure that's coming to PC, Mac and iOS. They say it features "space-time distortions, a dystopian atmosphere... and a dark, bloodstained plot".

It's been a long time since I last played Deus Ex Human Revolution, but I have to ask...Is this canon? Where does this fit into the Human Revolution time line?