
Ooooh nice, I think this'll probably fix the problem with jumping down and just going down a small ledge.

Really? I though it kinda looked like an angry Mike Fahey...

Let me make things clearer for you. Before today, I always thought that Terraria came first. To make it even clearer, I never played minecraft other than to try it out and I just started playing terraria a couple of weeks ago.

Wait, is this the final game that shipped?? It looks like a beta version compared to the other one!

I always thought minecraft imitated Terraria...Anyway, I like Terraria a lot more than Minecraft, there's just a lot more to do in comparison.

How does Symphony of the Night fit in all this? I assume this is before SotN, Since Dracula is still alive?

I really hope so, when I played AC4 on my PC and there were some parts that had some frame drops and crashes. I hoping that it's really well optimized now, especially since my CPU isn't that high end anymore.

He's the Solid Snake that gamers deserve, but not the one it needs right now.

The gameplay is feels very good for me. It's a purely stealth game where combat is really discouraged. I like it, especially the challenge maps, too bad their are only 3 maps(including DLC), if they added more maps to it from the start it would have been even better.

Yes, it's been working alright for me, I've been playing for about 4 hours or so...The only problem that I've encountered is a drop in frame rate for about 10 seconds or so after loading a level(Mostly occurs at "The City"), but that could just be because of my rig.

Soooo...You guys know of any hot uncensored Japanese porn stars?

Why can't square-enix just go back to selling games like this on consoles...Without the f2p stuff though, just a regular Action-RPG game. I bet it would still sell a lot better than just on mobile as f2p.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (PC, PS3, 360)

Wow, it looks like it plays pretty good, I'm hoping it has alot of similarities to SotN, my favorite Castlevania. But if it has a lot of weapons and spells then I'm already good with that :)

Within weeks of his Tweets, Orth was gone from Microsoft. He was also gone, he says, from the Internet, where he received not just gentle disagreements but a tidal wave of vitriol that shook him to his core. He has described changing his life as a result, recommitting himself to his family, losing weight, moving out

Beard-dom Come: Deliverance

I'd gladly pay $100 for this, but only if it's a pay-once-to-play, just like Guild wars, why aren't there more companies that follow the Guild wars payment method, I personally think it's the best of both worlds.

How about Deus Ex the Fall. Also Terraria, just as good as other versions but the controls are something that you have to get used to though. Other games I'd also recommend are:
Magic 2014, Combo Crew, Osmos HD, Battlefield Commander(Battlelog sucks though), Flow, Game Dev Story, Beat Hazard, Strike Fleet Omega(This

No, because the person in the video is just like those kids that whine on tweeter and other social networking sites about getting a black iphone when they wanted a white colored one...Basically, people like this just don't know how to appreciate what they have and take them for granted.

I agree with TREB on this, I usually use developer to identify a person not a company so thanks for changing the title :)