How does the combat work in this game? I wonder if it'll be like Arkham series great...From what I've seen it looks like it'll be like sleeping dogs.
How does the combat work in this game? I wonder if it'll be like Arkham series great...From what I've seen it looks like it'll be like sleeping dogs.
He's saying it's like a quick swap...You know, in some games where you can swap between two weapons you last used...It's like that when you double tap the PS button, you swap to the last app running...So, say you were playing KZ then you go to facebook, double tap it'll return to KZ, double tap again then it'll go…
If we can interrupt the fun stuff for a moment... The Philippines was wracked by a devastating hurricane this past weekend with more than 10,000 people feared dead. If you'd like to help relief efforts, here's a list of places you can donate to. To our readers in the Philippines, our thoughts are with you.
I actually agree with him, but for a different reason, but he's right, don't send money...What they really need right now is food, medicine, clothing and definitely shelter. Money is very useless to them right now, a lot of people have money but nothing to spend it on because all the resources are gone, no food to…
They should do futuristic next...As in lasers, shield generators, cloaking, mechs, star ships, star fighters, plasma...They could really flex their creative muscles on that one to create a lot of futuristic weaponry
First of all, I actually don't like the first assassin's creed that much, but I did like the openness, Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood is actually the two games I like in the series, but I digress...In my main message my main concern is actually the Stealth, the openness of approaching assassination is only…
Like STEALTH! WTF kind of assassin doesn't even know how to crouch...But I am glad they added the hide behind cover mechanic. But I was also hoping that you can hide behind a hip high cover...Apparently, assassins can't crouch or sneak...Just walk slowly...Hopefully just for now, I'm still hoping that next gen ACs…
It can, but what I really like about MAG is that I can play as a real medic or engineer...I can just rely on healing people or repairing stuff the whole game without having to kill anyone and still have a score high enough to get a podium on my team...It's just so satisfying.
I agree, the inFAMOUS title actually made sense to me because you had two choices, you either become Famous(good) or infamous(bad) in the game...That's why the design tries to create a separation between the two.
FF7 was the first game that I ever played...Well technically it wasn't, I played mario, earthworm jim, Jam something(basketball game) and the like...Afterwhich I started playing warcraft 2 and starcraft...But FF7 was my introduction into modern games, it was my introduction into the the Playstation Era...That's when I…
I don't want to be part of a gaming future, where offline play has to be a feature...I hope this is just a one off thing.
Yeah, it really isn't for everybody, but just a tid bit though...The first thing you'll learn from touch typing is that there is a purpose for the grooves on the "F" and "J" key, can you feel those grooves? Those are for finding the home keys (ASDF), so once you learn those it's quite easier to find ESDF than…
Yeah, it is hard to adjust, especially when your used to WASD...Fortunately for me though, I learned touch typing first before I started gaming on PC long ago. And now it's just easier, never having to adjust transitioning from "gaming mode" to "typing mode" etc also you have easier access to some more keys if need…
I'm not sure that's really the reason though, although I can understand that some people who's not used to typing or doesn't know how to touch type can find it difficult(especially control, it can cramp your fingers a bit, I actually don't use it instead I use "C" since ctrl is usually crouch "C" just seems like the…
Exactly! I'm so perplexed my WASD is the norm for gaming, when ESDF is clearly the most beneficial and the most natural way.
I personally prefer ESDF...Because your fingers would be on the proper position for typing, it's just more natural.
What??? We can't export vids to youtube??? WTF? I think people go to youtube more than they go to twitch(Unless it's for streaming)
I'm still waiting for the next Symphony of the Night...I'm not talking about a sequel to the game, just something very similar to it. What I really loved about it is the RPG elements that were perfectly implemented on the game, numerous weapons and the metroid style exploration...There's just so much to explore and…
I think the big jump on this new gen will not be based on the graphics but I think on the AI and effects, for example the particles...Did you see those particle effects at the first scene of the clip, those were pretty nice...And this isn't even in alpha yet, so we'll definitely see more improvement later on.