Gary Oldman as well. We know that because he’ll often trash movies he was in years later, but when he’s doing them he doesn’t phone it in.
Gary Oldman as well. We know that because he’ll often trash movies he was in years later, but when he’s doing them he doesn’t phone it in.
Lord of War is a grossly undervalued film.
I thought Portman’s work in “Black Swan” was WAY overrated, but she is legitimately terrific in “Jackie”.
Re: Kristen Stewart, I saw a piece a while back that made (what I thought was) a pretty compelling argument that if she were a guy, her stoic, minimally expressive acting might be celebrated rather than mocked as wooden. It was on The Toast, here:…
Yes, please add Chastain to the list!
Disagree. Tom Cruise can act. He just really likes being a likable action star. I kind of want to see what he does when gives up on being hot and likable.
Natalie Portman. Love her, but she peaked with “The Professional.” and she was what, 11?
He is excellent in the John Wicks series. He doesn’t talk much, he’s in on the joke, he basically looks good in a suit and does unbelievably intricately choreographed and outrageous fight scenes, and someone has finally figured out a way to put his talents to their best use.
Amy Adams should not be on this list and she should have won an Oscar for Enchanted!
Jessica Chastain. Amber Heard!!!
Yes, it was weird that the film went along with the conceit she was actually “rescuing” Lizzie by perpetuating an act of abuse that was at least as invasive and violent as anything else depicted. I mean, she drugged, gaslit and mutilated her? Without even a conversation first to establish Lizzie wouldn’t have left the…
It’s really good to know that we live in a time where college tuition is skyrocketing and bankrupting Americans, but adjunct professors are living on poverty wages with no health care and unpredictable work schedules, while the shiplap, bigoted church members get to teach university courses instead.
Yes! I’ve given many guy friends dating, relationship, and sex advice!
I remember being in my 30s and horrified that there are dudes out there who are terrible in bed. Like how does that happen? Presumably you’ve been having sex for about ten years. How can you still be inept and not even trying?
I haven’t had sex almost 6 years. Fuck, I’d go to Mars
I’ve decided my “weird Amazon erotica” niche is going to be alien researchers describing human sex. I’m pretty sure that one hasn’t been done to death. Yet.
I need a new option on this survey that is, “No, unless the alien in question is Thor.” That is my answer.
He’s on r/theredpill right now ranting about how she cost him his job over nothing.