
ehhhh he’s a punk, with possible substance abuse he could be 18 for what we know ;)

Dunno, this sounds like your run of the mill fictional/toy being cast into the real world and has to deal without magic kind of story. Sounds Enchanted.

Still looking forward because it promises lots of fun and I dig this kind of story.

nah not even something fancy like that. Just regular paper facial protection masks. You usually buy them at sanitary supplies or the apothecary here, but all of them have been sold out in my town.
And people start behaving like assholes to anyone looking kinda Asian :(

I am currently contagious and would really need a facemask but can’t get any because they are all sold out.

People also don’t understand that the standard facemask does NOT protect them from infection. They are made to _keep you_ from infecting _others_. There are masks that offer some protection but those are usually

I think I am weird because I looooved the encounters (mythology nerd here) and I played only encounters for two weeks straight. I had explored almost all the world available and got my Diablo early and then... I was set and the rest of the game went really, really smoothly because I was powerful as fuck XD

watch the other episodes. Her... preptalk makes it very clear how far it went (and again I have to say: Women do not do the dramatic throw up for being “suggested” to suck someone’s dick, that’s just Tuesday!)  and if it didn’t happen it would make her a horrible drama queen (but she isn’t treated as such) and the

well, the worst offense is that they use pancake batter. Cinnamon rolls are awesome because they are made with yeast dough. You could make a quick dough with dry yeast, let is rise just for 30 minutes, make a long roll which you coat with cinnamon, sugar and a bit of water and snail up, then fry in a pan instead of

wisdom says: eat, where the locals eat, it’s safe (and probably good). So an empty place means you can’t be sure if it is safe for non-locals.

You are asking that ain a world full of overconsumption. If you missed it: Since last Monday we are living on borrowed ressources. It’s half of the year and we already used up earth’s resources for this year.
Three chicken breasts are a LOT if you calculate all the energy, water and work that went into housing,

Wow, you are really determined to this mansplaining, huh?

And I use that word very, very rarely. 

I noticed that Mini Homelander is the same boy as in the Fake-Homelander-Childhood photographs.
Lab-Daddy said he regretted not raising him in a normal home to avoid his insanity, so maybe they tried to do it right the second time?

Last night I came to the realization that they probably don’t want a rapist as a main

The “thing” is a Third Eye. He seems very inspired by Ashura and Garuda imagery from Hindu culture.

I see a lot of the MeToo debate bleeding into some of their storytelling choices, especially with Maeve, it’s just that they are NOT handling it well. Maybe they should have asked some women to help them out?

And that shows itself with Becca again. This storytelling choice really sits wrong with me because it once

Where do you get “Homelander knew all along”? He clearly didn’t. He went to his lab-father, then heard a different version from his manager/controller/fuckmommy, and realized they lied to him. Sure the difference between “baby clawed its way out, she died” and “she had a miscarriage” may be marginal at the first view,

he didn’t “suggest” it, he made her DO it, which is rape. That’s why she pukes later on. Women do not puke and break down because a dude “suggests” we suck his dick, that’s just Tuesday (and Wednesday, and Thursday, Saturday, Sunday...)

“It’s like the Darkness, who simultaneously fucking ROCK and also are deeply, deeply silly.”
And this is true for the comic AND the band. 

She is called “The Female” because she is mute and everyone else has a dick (and kinda is a dick). Her name is later revealed and used. And one of the dudes is very decent for her while the others are not exactly paragons of feminism.
I really liked that the supposed womanizer (who never does any womanizing) is an

which one was black? I tried to google it but google fails me and only gives me images from the show or other characters from the comic

the problem is not only not “wanting” to deal with the buss-admin part, it’s not _knowing_ it. I am a productive, creative person in many fields - education, arts, food... but while gaining my skills I did not have the occasion (nor talent) to learn about business administration. And if you don’t have money to pay

it’s hard to judge Anthony Mackie, he really hasn’t had any roles big enough to prove great acting or not, yet.