
Quite frankly, as a black person, I'm not in the least bit offended. Reason being is that there are a shit load of people that look at our president and think of him as exactly that; "that nigger in the White House". You've got people in Nebraska with an old outhouse with the words the Obama Presidential Library

Imprison blacks at a rate in excess of 500% that of whites for the same crime, give college-educated, clean record blacks the same hiring opportunities as a convicted white felon, or interrogate a black guy for trying to enter his own home, and no one bats an eye.

Say the "N-word" in an article or recording, and

Everyone is jumping on this guy, and that title was NOT a good way to go about it, but he was abso-fucking-lutley correct about the Anti-Obama push. Teabaggers and run o the mill GOP'ers are pissed that a 'sub human black' is in the whitehouse. You can see their language acrobatics trying to avoid the Nword when

Should I Replace N——R With Ginger? -> Do you think people with red hair hilariously have no soul?

Yeah the title of this of doesn't offend me at all. I'm actually glad somebody said it, I've been saying it for years. A LOT of people hate Obama simply because in their eyes he's an uppity n*gger. N*gger is an ugly word, yes but it is an accurate word to reflect the hate that is directed at him. I'm sorry (not

I'm not allowed to have an opinion on these things, but I thought the dude's explanation would have been a little more obvious: i.e. by using a headline like this, you are attracting your expected crowd (people who see it and are like "OH HELL NAW") as WELL as the other half who clicked because they were like, "DUDE

Today's Special:

THAT isn't an abortion, ask a doctor. They prevent IMPLANTATION, which is necessary to even consider a pregnancy to be present. You should really learn what you're talking about before you tell others to do the same. Take your own advice and all that. You should also know that there are many, many ways in which a

I know, right? I have a crazy, right-wing aunt in Texas (of course she lives in Texas) who is obsessed with banning abortions, yet also anti-birth control. What the hell is she thinking?

I have conservative family, dated a conservative american lady...Ogre don't play that anymore. I did find out that I can care about people that don't share my views, the end it isn't going to work out. Love me, love people. All the people.

So I've made some mouths froth, too.

Sarah Palin, is that you?

You're into innocent unborn child bodies? Whatever floats your boat, but I'm pretty sure that's illegal in like every state.

Yeah this is how we roll in the UK. Free contraception = low abortion rate. It's simple logic.

Get over your woman English garbage! I would take garbled word salad over inaccurate references about abortion over your words that need to make sense.

Was that English?

Again, I feel the need to quote my doctor. She is personally opposed to abortion (though will assist any woman with the necessary steps to obtain one, and will provide after care), so she believes strongly that anti-abortion people should be pro-contraception people. Every time I go in (not now, b/c I'm trying to get

The difference is that real sports are separated because men and women have different physical characteristics (i.e. men have more muscle mass than women and thus, on a whole, have an advantage in most sporting events). This is a video game, and the only playing field (especially for Hearthstone) is the mind. The

To have a Beard. I'm not going to lie, I had two fake girlfriends in highschool that I was completely not attracted to. The first one I kissed literally once and that was after she broke up with me at the Valentines dance.

Many years ago, I had a friend who found out her husband was gay after they'd been married for five years and had two kids. He was in investment banker in the closet who thought being out would jeopardize his career, and perhaps even more important, desperately wanted to have a family. This was years before surrogacy