
(I see it everywhere now, couldn't help myself) But to the original comment, this is in that in-between area of not quite egregious but also deserving of a response. Actually now that I think about it this probably qualifies as a micro-aggression. And, since as you say he knows your room number, your response depends

Also, I just realised how creepy it is that a kid that age has figured out the tactic of separating their victim from friends and family (by befriending the younger one).

Oh look at you, being all logical on the internet.

How about mandatory counseling sessions instead?

I really think there should be a teacher or other responsible adult assigned to ride on school buses to supervise the kids. The driver shouldn't be responsible for it because they are busy driving, and it clearly isn't safe to leave a bunch of kids to their own devices.

My girlfriend's a children's therapist, so I have some insight on this. Aside from the very obvious funding problems that these services always have (one of her sites is losing their offices because the building owner is giving the space to a tech startup - THANKS, SAN FRANCISCO!) the biggest problem that comes up

Ugh. I'm so glad your friend gave the bitch what for.

Wow. I wish I had been there to yell at that lady and kick her ass. I tend to respond quickly with anger when I see people being dicks in public and I'm just an onlooker. Like at the Post Office.

Oh, my god. Wow. I'm so sorry.

I work at a store that has vintage theater chairs bolted together in rows randomly dispersed around the store. They are bolted to each other, but not to the floor, so if ANYONE leans over to tie a shoe or pick up something off the ground, the whole row of chairs will tip forward. I weigh a buck twenty and they do it

As a fat person as well (though, sadly, much much fatter than you) I understand humiliation only too well. I feel it every time I leave the house and walk among the normies. Once, I went on a date with this guy that I'd met online. I sent him several photos of myself (so that he'd know what he was getting himself

Fine with me. Less waste.

"What also chaps my ass, some of these churches, have the high horse that they get on and say 'we as a church do not believe in that.'Which one of these motherfuckers talked to God, and God said that same-sex marriage was a no-can-do?"

Honest question: does it really ruin the experience/enjoyment for you if you are spoiled? Doesn't the story have any merit beyond its ability to surprise you?

SHUT UP! I still send Julie Brown hate mail because I wasn't expecting a Citizen Kane spoiler in "The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun" All art must go on pause until I've seen it. Then they can ignore everyone else who hasn't watched/read it.

Right, here we go:

The crazy thing about the GoT spoiler frenzy is that I was watching it having only seen a few previous episodes, and I could totally suss out what was coming and got all freaking excited about it anyway. It's about the journey man, not the destination!

I actually like to read spoilers and plot summaries ahead of time. I don't know why.

I've had a severe bladder disorder since I was about 16. The medicine is expensive, the hospital-provided treatments are MORE expensive and have not been successful for me. What has worked is changing my diet.

Oh gods. I have Crohn's, and I've heard of some crazy 'treatments', but to know that this was recommended? This is infuriating. I'm a calm person. Normally. Now? I want to go hurt these people. To do this to them, and make them feel it. Every last second. I need to stop looking a this.