
I agree, he acted the shit out of those few minutes but it just wasn’t enough. I love Brühl (platonically), but I don’t get the praise for _Zemo_ because what did we actually learn about him? I hope he gets sooo much more screentime in the series and I will enjoy every second of him chewing the scenery.

because Lauda was a total jerk. A cool badass with the heart in the right spot but still by nature a jerk. And Brühl managed to capture exactly that flavor of jerk-ness in the movie. He was perfect.

Tony was an idiot. The problem is what LeftHandSonfofCoul said - he was hellbent on KILLING the Winter Soldier and then he was hellbent on KILLING Cap as well. That’s what made me sick to my stomach watching the final battle between the two - Iron Man was using lethal force on his supposed friend and comrade. If

Snyder is just allergic against color, right?

Uhm, here, but with the disclaimer that so many photographs exist because of antisemitic shit :(

huh that’s weird. Maybe a difference between US and European practice? In Europe they make a pretty back deal about this difference (I am not Jewish myself I work for a Jewish Cultural Institution in a wonderful pre-war Synagogue).

I think that Wanda definitely cannot bring the dead back from death. Either Vision is a corpse marionette or it worked with him _because_ he is a synthezoid and thus works different than a human soul.
And that is exactly the reason why Pietro was recast!
When Vision asks “who is it?” Wanda looks like “uhm, I am not

Awesome! It reminds me of the Dance with the Vampires musical when one of the protagonists tries to defend themselves with a cross and the old dude is like “This is worth nothing, I am a Jewish vampire!” (he says that full of pride and happiness).

I had some of these questions as well and a google image search shows that Jewish jewelers (btw as an ESL jewelry/jeweler/etc is one of the most horribly hard things to spell, just saying) do indeed have Stars of David in their windows or decorate their name boards with them. So this seems to be a thing and he may

we will never know, she was 13 when she entered the X-Men and a bat mizvah (female version) is usually held when the girl is 12, so earlier than the boys.  And it is a pretty modern trend so not all families do a bat mizvah for their daughters.

Apparently, there are tons of Jewish jewelry stores that advertise with Stars of David in their window, on their name boards, as ornaments etc. so it does not seem to be that unusual to have one in the window. I think the “Jewer” issue is more problematic.

If it was indeed a spelling mistake there is hardly any way to prevent this from happening again. Editors look at the text bubbles but not necessarily at the drawn content of a panel.
It is a very _stupid_ mistake to make, yes, if you are incapable of drawing reverse text without making two mistakes you should... just

it would also be bad taste to conflate two similar-looking black characters so you don’t have to cast “too many” black persons along the whitefest...

Agree! This is absolutely what nags mich so much about it! Everyone is all “oh she went through so much!” Well yeah so did everybody else but the men did not go crazy. There was zero inkling towards Wanda jumping the shark at any point, at the end of Endgame she was pretty calm while grieving so I too think making her

I thought when she pushed Monica through the walls there was this weird moment where she looked totally malicious for a second then was surprised there was a hole in the wall and magic on her hands. So either she has a split persona or overwritten her own memories with the fake reality. 

All of them suffered greatly from Thanos. Why does none of the men ever go crazy? I mean Hawkeye went on a goddamn international murder spree but that is apparently okay and nobody bothers about it anymore “Oh no it’s okay Black Widow told him to stop.” didn’t BW die in front of his eyes? huh.

I think it’s interesting she says she has no idea how all of it started.

Well to give her some credit, during the Thor episodes she was a lowly phd student, NOW she ‘s a doctor so obviously she successfully finished her phd.

ugh, how is the loon-emotional-woman trope being in control?
I mean it just supports whatever prejudices people had against mutants/superpowers/avengers acting on their own. Basically “the Sukhovia protocols were right!”
Which means the only result from this would be super-regulation of super-beings turning them into

While I am super frustrated that we do, indeed, get the old “lulz women can’t deal with emotions thus go insane” storyline, I was amazed at Olsen’s mimics. That moment she throws Monica out really looked malicious at hell.

I was surprised that she was surprised after the fact. There is the possibility that she made