same for the dude in the Bayou, at least the story acknowledges the vanishing hitchhiker stories but the “asking for your soul as a favor” is pretty common.
same for the dude in the Bayou, at least the story acknowledges the vanishing hitchhiker stories but the “asking for your soul as a favor” is pretty common.
I just don’t understand how people can invest so much _energy_ in researching this nonsense. I mean, sure, I can understand why it is important to the black community to check the color charts. But speaking as a general white person I am not carraying a color chart around to check if person x is this or that much…
who guarantees that if she would not take it, a transperson would be chosen? They would just cast another actress they like. Someone less known maybe, so it flies under the radar and in two months time you won’t be even thinking of the movie anymore. Sure, maybe the internet will hunt down the second and the third…
I do not think it is pure disregard to the trans community and more ignorance and jadedness on her part. I have read a lot of that criticism and it is worded by far not as polite as yours. Instead of adressing the transgender casting issue and the very true fact that she looks completely wrong for the role, people are…
This article made me frantically do my Kegels.
at least one weasel I know proved car engine cooking is possible. (It was not a nice sight)
am I really the only one who saw Blue Rajah as a parody of the Magical Indians(compare Magical Negro) appearing in post-Victorian novels, exemplified by his forced Britishness?
what kool aid are you on. I did not excuse the white man at all, i agreed the image is problematic and I _added_ another reason why public reaction to is it problematic. Just admit it, you were waiting in the comment section with your ready-typed post and waited to find anyone you could attack as “excusing the…
oh please, don’t be willfully obnoxious. Being a servant might be a job nowdays, maybe you should think about this thing called “history” and which position servants had then.
yes! It makes me so angry that just because you enjoy doing a job that is prettying other people up, you are suddenly denounced to be a maid or something. We are not in the 19th century anymore. Hair stylists, make up artists etc. are independend jobs, not servitude.
Personally, especially as someone who wanted to become a Hollywood Stylist (though life led me elsewhere), the thing I find most insulting is that being a stylist is equaled with being a servant.
It is her JOB. She is fucking good at it, praised with prizes, fame and money. She is doing what she is doing best, she’s…
you act as if that kind of hat was something new. It’s actually a basic kind of hat that has been around forever, it’s just that a band of hats (yep, it’s not a single style) became called Fedora thanks to an actress that made them popular in the late 19th century. Although Portuguese liked to wear sloppy hats,…
IF someone has to become a garbage collector, it should be THIS kind of garbage collector.
Marvel turned it into a title -_-
they also feed fish flour to chickens. Enough to feed the majority of Africa for a year if they kept the fish whole - but sadly it’s mostly all the tiny fish from destroying the oceans with ground nets.
chaperones are useless. When I was a teen I saw an orthopedist because my knee (!) had issues. There was also a chaperone with us in the room. He foundled my hair and then touched my breasts - remember I was in for my KNEE - the chaperone just looked down uncomfortably.
I mean what do you expect these ladies are on his…
And it is totally wrong. Families do not get each other sick because they do not inhale or insert otherwisely each other’s shit. You can’t get immune to e.coli. The flora does not matter because there are enough organisms in human shit to make you really, really sick. You are not even immune to your own shit, which…
it’s really common in nationalist thinking to throw you a bone but keep their views as they are “YOUR blacks are different, but OUR blacks are stereotype #1 #2 #3 etc...”
I get the same with the Roma. “Oh maybe YOUR Roma have settled, integrated and are not stealing everything that isn’t nailed on but OUR Roma have stea…
She has so many good points, why can’t she put these in a video of her own? Why re-iterate something that’s already perfect as it is?
It’s not like Glover has invented Futurism...
(that’s what the style of “tons of shit going on and the main action happening in the background” is called)
And there are an uzillion…
They had him drive off in a white car, I thought that was as in-your-face as possible if you did not want to have the plot point of Brian O’Connor dying which would have impacted the characters differently.