Wtf you dont GET credit when unerfüllter, banks will cancel your credit when you become unemployed and you van be Happy it they leave your dispo alone...
Wtf you dont GET credit when unerfüllter, banks will cancel your credit when you become unemployed and you van be Happy it they leave your dispo alone...
You need a network. Where did you post your page? Most gofundme pages are never found. people don’t browse them. You need to publicize them on your own. My own was starving for a long time until I was allowed to post the link in a board I frequented and people who digitally knew me donated.
well, if grea grandma dies yes, in every other case a funeral usually isn’t planned for :(
You know which cars aren’t stolen? Bright pink cars.
I don’t know most people on the list, except for a few, but I have realized that in the US, a lot of “black” names are more religious, so Jerome and Isaiah are “black” to me. Jennifer Sawyer is probably a victim of Huckleberry Finn association and I just had to look up that Naomi is a Biblical name (O_O) and not of…
An intolerant bigot of what? And seriously, “toots”? What are you, 70?
You mean you are out of arguments and don’t take on justified criticism on a social worldview that despises solidarity well? Okay. Thanks for ignoring every single argument I made because you didn’t like one sentence.
... you... you never fly, right? *I* fly regulary, boarding is a mess, the floors are full, everybody is dragging, bumping and squeezing themselves along each other while trying to get their baggage into the headcase and find their seat. THE LAST THING ANYONE wants is someone holding up traffic to wipe a fucking tray!
... are you for real? Everyone who does ANYTHING in the service industry is required to know the Heimlich maneuver if someone chokes.Actually, anyone existing should know the Heimlich maneuver.
why would you resent anybody for protecting their child and you being stupid? Seriously now I don’t know you but how about a little bit of googling before making yourself look like a horrible human being?
Well. First thing being, in a plane you can’t get help. You can’t call an ambulance and you can’t be taken to a hospital in a timeframe that wold save your life.
uhm,could you please stop mixing up nut allergies and peanut allergies? They are two very, very different things and nuts and peanuts aren’t even close other than both being plants.
Apparently I am the only one in team Simba. Fine. More for me.
I have read a few Selkie stories in my time and my impression commonly was that it can also be read as a cautionary tale for men to not look for the impossible and not to hold on to someone who desperately wants to get away. There are often multiple tries of escape and the women are depicted as good housewifes/mothers…
I am familiar with the origins (long enough to have used the AT before it became ATU and mostly with what is now ATU425M) and the university I work at probably has the necessary subscription (except for Muse. For some stupid reason we have no Muse and like 30% of my needed literature is under their umbrella, grr).
dear lord can we please stop that stockholm shit? Just because someone on the internet said it doesn’t mean it’s right and has to be repeated ad nauseum. I could go into details why it doesn’t fit in the Disney movie but that has already been done dozens of times before. It’s just an incredibly lame thing to say that…
drawing faces is weird. You can make it look a lot more appealing with bangs “smoothing” the outward lines of a face.
oh shoo, you and your facts, it’s much easier to hate on a young woman nobody knows for real....
I liked the first movie, I would have preferred it to stay as a stand-alone.
Can we have MASA: Make America Sane Again?