
That game name wins everything.

ohhh okay so this time I have to be afraid of what to order in Canada for a change, haha XD I think they used that stuff during the Bubble Tea Craze in Germany.

Thanks. Just after hearing that the bratty rapper-girl that was popular during my teenage years is now a retired family counselor. I will be over there taking up a walking stick and cleansing my ivories... *rattlerattle*

Are you into green skinned chicks with blades?

It was Santa, there was no granddaughter, the parents had just talked their kid out of believing in Santa and his true gift was one more year of wonder. End of story.

Dead Eye Girl is a Black Widow.

*weepssilently* damn onions...

so what IS the difference between US and Canadian ice tea?

never tell a braggar they are bragging. They KNOW. They don’t want to hear it and will make you miserable for pointing it out (even though everyone knows)

It’s not flirty as long as you don’t include your number. I have a friend who usually tips 200% to the waiter he likes and always leaves his number, mail, and a winking smiley on the service-evaluation card (you may already figure out which restaurant by the existence of that weird card).

the point is the waiter _shouldn’t have to_. Fair wages are not unobtainium.

Wasabi ice cream is pretty cool? I used it for a cooking contest. Dark chocolate brownie ice-cupcakes with white chocolate-wasabi ice cream topping. I made third place, which I think was pretty okay for a first timer and I couldn’t nearly compete with the aesthetic awesomeness of the pro’s desserts.

I just started to imagine the couple as a young Beckett and Castle.

On the first read, I thought the dad of the family started singing and dancing Funky Town after being stared at by Dead Eye Girl and thought... telepaths? Mind control? THEY ARE AMONG US.

this was about making a realistic warrior woman not looking like a pencil thin model (Buffy anyone?) not about making her an accountant.

Thank you! I was starting to worry something was wrong with me. I’m just not... into it, ok? It gives me nothing and I don’t like the dude going down like that. I’m mostly happy in every other way. I have more problems convincing the guy that I *really* don’t like it and would he please stop trying that, ugh.

For what exactly? Did you just loose your bag of arguments?

I once answered to some telenovela useless not-actor guy “Uh, oh ah yes you are... that guy. I forgot. Whatever, pay now or talk to Franz” (<— big baker guy who can turn you into a loaf if you looked at some of us funny).

I usually run well with trusting the waiters recommendation. My wishes usually make them pale anyway (I like either sweet or thick and ancient wines) and from that small palette of not standard-dry-wines I often get a good one of the first try.

All the pizza joints are know are owned by Indians (okay okay, one Kurdish guy). The Chinese takeout is owned by Vietnamese, like 90% of all Chinese places around here, the Thai restaurant is run by Koreans, the Korean barbecue by Kazhakhs, the Mongolian barbecue is run by Chinese and the two Asia stores a joint