I know a family like that, I think it’s child abuse. I visited one time and it felt like being in a horror movie with weird changelling parents and the children smiling because they are too afraid to cry.
I know a family like that, I think it’s child abuse. I visited one time and it felt like being in a horror movie with weird changelling parents and the children smiling because they are too afraid to cry.
My manager finally comes over and informs me that she is removing the gratuity from the bill. This was my only table of the night. They took my whole shift. So I look her in the eye and nod. Then I walked right out the front door, got in my car, and never came back.
can.. can we have nice customers, for once, or do.. do they just not exist? :(
and people who have little LOVE IT!
Swords were less frequently seen in actual combat because they require way too much training to be good with them, were frequently incapable of doing a damn thing to armor, and were expensive to maintain.
??? Victor always was a hero. He sometimes makes weird choices in his methods, but if he isn’t killing rebells, life in Latveria doesn’t seem to bad and he can be very helpful if _asked_ nicely. Seriously, aside from bringing himself in into the game when it fits him, every single time someone bothered to ask him…
it isn’t in yours?
Just call him Dr.
jup! I’m a firm believe in nurture over nature. Yes, the older the kid the more likely there will be some behavioral problems (and you probably should take a sabbatical semester, but you need to do that with a baby, too! (and even more)) but you can work that out and they are still young enough to be adorable and to…
An acquaintance who works for a child service organization almost teared up when I told her I plan to adopt a child +/- 6 years (I’m not eligible yet, though). They have problems finding parents for TWO YEAR OLDS. That’s still toddler age! It’s already “too old” for most people! ffs!
so they essentially bought children. Because adoptive kids in China often aren’t actually orphans.
jsf you should send this in if you haven’t already
if people put in as much as known offensive content into a game as they can for the edgy-factor, that’s pretty much the opposite of creativity. In terms of offensive games it can get pretty dark (‘m including child abuse here) it’s not all about pearl-clutching people if a devil character appears in the game.
interesting visual styles don’t make a better game, too.
uhm... You probably mean that very honestly and I don’t know you, you may be just as honest but from my experience this would end up in a desaster. Take that painting example... someone orders their house being painted yellow. The client chooses the color from a sample. The painter paints, the client can watch the…
hear hear. I’m an academic in the humanities, I heard that “but you work your passion!” argument all the time so they can keep paying me peanuts. My passion is Chinese history and religion and teaching a bit, too, it surely isn’t all the administrative stuff, team meeting, institute politics etc. that I spent my time…
gnaaaaaaaaaaaaaah this is so stupid.
that’s a weird rule but shouldn’t the manager point out that she was deliberately causing her sickness?
Most places where I live are not as accommodating to allergies as many of the places in the stories featured here are, if they are not outright trying to kill you (happened to me once).
Two days ago I walked into a nice big café I often visit and met the most nice server _ever_. “This chocolate pie looks delicious, but…
too much panic. I once scribbled in my restaurant moleskine (I have a teeny tiny foodblog primarily read by spambots and that’s all I use it for) which I usually lay on my lap so you only see a black notebook but someone must have a) got a look and b) known what the book was. I don’t know I doubt food critics use…