
it’s both the inherent bitterness and especially the acidic taste in pickled artichokes. The dryer the wine, the less acidic should the food be, otherwise it kills the wine. However, thanks to its bitterness artichokes also fail to fit with most white wines and rosé. The only time I saw it worked out was a medium dry

... but why? McDonalds is one of the few places actually offering burgers with vegetable patties!

When a cow loves another cow really, really much, they will produce homogenized milk together. It is flavored by the manly tears of the young bull watching them. Silently. Alone.

ALL seeds? That doesn’t even make a lick of sense. Seeds are totally different depending on the plant they come from, they have no relation, you can’t be allergic to all the damn seeds in the world.

Sadly, one of the cops was a woman.

holy shit! Gotham is real

why do you believe that she bothers appearing cruel? After what she apparently did, cruelty is probably something she enjoys.

It is basically what I was saying. I just enhanced the comments to read 3-4 more comments only to find out I had to scroll five miles because everyone and their mother felt they had to announce, repeatedly, why they felt the story was stupid, after others already did (also, repeatedly).

Yeah. I saw that. And everyone coming next to the first person calling him out wasn’t a single bit better than the original post-guy. Have you seen the fucking load of comments in this? What the fuck.

... so you are actually thinking the guy was a pedophile or how is your comment to be understood? I think most people reading this are aware that person was just totally brainless.

no, you just call in with “it’s a looong story...”

... only that Champagne is protected and serving anything else than Champagne as Champagne constitutes fraud in some regions. It’s not snobby, it’s how product protection works. Not every hard cheese is Parmesan.

after scrolling over all this shit to reach the other comments, if this story was so boring why the heck are so many people responding to it? Jesus fucking Christ on a pole stick, just let it rot in the greys if it’s uninteresting and save us all a five mile scroll.

it’s just a good excuse to drink. Alcohol effectively lowers the amount of salmonella after consuming infected materials, even red wine is enough to lessen the effects of salmonella, but harder liquor is better. When I caught my second salmonella infection in a short time and knew I wouldn’t be able to make it without

Depends. if it s made from pork, it’s Mett. We eat it with onions, pepper and (sometimes) pickles. If it is made from beef filet it is called Tartar and is more a Belgian thing (funnily called Filet Americain there), it contains a raw egg yolk and maybe onions, anchovies and/or pickles.

... now I want to find out if a matcha infused mocca tastes good. If it does, I will call it motcha and get rich.

well, the Eosinophil sure seems happy about it.

It also works without burning. In my religion the gods just take the Qi out of the food, drink and money offered to them (they love licorice, btw). However this only works in belief-systems that assume there is some kind of power or connection embodied in the statue (for example, in mine the condition of the shrine

The latter, although the latter might look like the former.

I’m so surprised that they went back to an more ancient form of religious devotion. I thought having idols was forbidden? Nobody told them, boo!