They don't have to look in his windows. Isn't telling people what they can and cannot display in and outside of their house because of who it offends a slippery slope to bad things? It's weird porn, not a threat.
They don't have to look in his windows. Isn't telling people what they can and cannot display in and outside of their house because of who it offends a slippery slope to bad things? It's weird porn, not a threat.
You're right; it does not. And "overweight" does not necessarily equal "unhealthy." However, I think it's the potential for unhealthy repercussions that come with being overweight that people do not consider. (Thankfully) former Jez writer Lindy loved to say, "I'M OVERWEIGHT AND I HAVE PERFECTLY HEALTHY CHOLESTEROL…
"All bodies are good bodies. Good job having a body, buddy!"
Great add another thing to the long list of excuses fat people will use to convince themselves being fat "isn't my fault". Unless you are consistently eating under 2,000 calories a day and burning off 200 or so calories from sweating at the gym, SHUT THE FUCK UP. Seriously, shut the fuck up. I seriously hate hearing…
"It's almost as if there are factors that affect a person's weight that exist outside our control"
They exist out of some people's control, but not most. The fact that sweeteners have become ubiquitous does not mean that someones diet is out of their control. And while greater forces may be at play than we have been…
I'll need to see them for better reference.
I already spat my gripes out, but here's another: IT'S NOT FUCKING "THEM" MAKING YOU EAT FOOD WITH ALL THIS SHIT IN IT. If (doubtful, but whatever) it really is hormones and antibiotics and weird food additives making people obese (a theory which, by the way, is not new or broadly accepted), maybe people should eat…
That's just over complicated nonsense.
yeah i'm sure that book you read debunks decades of medical science.
Uh no, overeating is not "beyond your control" unless you have some sort of spastic jerking arm syndrome where you can't stop launching food into your mouth. Let's nip this "being fat is like being gay, born that way" in the bud before more drool-cups start believing it.
Why does everyone feel the need to blame obesity on anything that isn't lack of proper care of your own body? Why must be claim we are being marketed poison instead of claiming that we don't know what we're putting in our bodies? When will we acknowledge our ignorance and stop blaming society?
Zimmerman didn't use Stand Your Ground.
Infinitely more talented than Lindsey Sterling. Having a goofy smile on your face and jumping around like an idiot in costume does not make you talented, actually playing the instrument with a level or precision and putting your own spin on the music you're covering.
No no, you go on whining about how this guy needs jail time. I'll just sit back and laugh as he continues to go on living freely and gathering video views, with nary a legal action taken against him by any of the women in the video despite online documentation of the 'evidence'.
Has anyone on this site considered the freakish possibility that Zimmerman's account at his trial actually happened the way he described it, didn't involve any measurable or meaningful amount of racism and that, at the end of the day, Zimmerman isn't an inherently evil, bad guy?