
diagnosed ≠ has

So you're trying to force your views down other people's throats? If someone truly believes that they are sick for being gay the why shouldn't they be able to seek "treatment" for that "sickness"?

I think people should be able to do it if they want, as long as it's not forced on them.


Actually that particular gun is chambered for the 7.62x38R cartridge. /pedantry


America is slowly turning into a police state, with drones, indefinite detention, anti-piracy laws, republicans, extrajudicial assassinations etc. Britain is pretty bad as well.

No one cares about your shitty little inbred police state. Fuck off back to polishing each others toe nails or whatever the fuck it is you guys do.

The easiest way to get around this is to simply not let the police search you. Obviously this is a fucked up policy and should be immediately stopped, but I'm more disturbed about the instances where people consent to a police search. Just say no.

Not red laser pointers, green ones. The greenies are solid state instead of diode based an have much less divergence, plus the eye is more sensitive to them.

Necessity has nothing to do with it. I don't NEED an AR-15 with an 100 round drum magazine, just as you don't NEED a gold plated toilet seat. Who the fuck are you to tell me what I can and cannot buy or do?

Some of this is just common sense, other things are just for little bitches.

You obviously don't have a very good understanding of firearms.


Methylene blue will turn the drink blue as well you imbeciles. Not to mention hoe irresponsible and potentially dangerous it could be.

Stop calling it a "frankenstorm".

All of your questions could be answered if you had a basic understanding of theoretical physics.

This isn't really an issue from 10,000 m, but is a huge problem for planes that are landing/taking off.

Lasers that you can get from China, which are in the hundreds of milliwatts, perhaps more.

The wavelength doesn't fluctuate THAT much.