
Saying we're alone in the Universe is without a doubt the most close minded and idiotic thing I've ever heard.

That FZero track looks amazing. I guess it is time for me to get MK8.

Agreed. There are over 200 billion galaxies that we planet-bound primates have observed so far. The best estimates suggest that there are at least

There's always the possibility that we just don't know how to listen.

Especially when you consider the incredibly brief time that we've existed in any meaningful sense. Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 135 million years...meanwhile homo sapiens only diverged from neanderthals about 500,000 years ago. If you only count from the point where we've had a civilization to speak of then we've

I'm sorry, but we still have WAY too little data to come to the conclusion that we're alone in the universe. Everything we've learned about the Universe up to now practically guarantees that life non-Earth based life exists The only problem is, of course, the great silence. But there are as many possible

If only average pop stars put that much effort into their music.

Of all the characters... I think Sienna Guillory was the most accurate looking...

My dentures nearly fell out when I heard that.

I never thought of Ada Wong as asian in the game, but I guess her last name being Wong. She was supposed to be asian.

I get that it must feel really immersive but man, that Oculus Virtualizer one looks so silly to watch someone play.

It will; your pathetic human eyes won't.

Ubisoft: "Ugh, looks terrible. No one wants that."

Meanwhile at the Xbox One factory...



*googles Kaceytron. Gets two black eyes*

That's no disaster, it's a masterpiece.

most of these action figures suck, all I see is joints. the only one that looks good is Barrett.