
Ugh, the Ughing!

Ugh, your mom!

While I do love Adventure Time, I really can't help myself.... Simpsons did it!

dammit youtube! fix your damn video compression! how am i supposed to enjoy this beautiful game when you keep making it look like crap, even at hd resolutions?!

The club can't even handle them right now.

Or they simply don't share their pollution values because they're that bad.

Satan's asshole.

This video was taken in NOPE NOPE NOPEVILLE.

No kidding. Does gravity work the same in Russia? That kid looks less fit than me and I can't imagine how hard it would be to hold my weight with just 4 fingers. Great, now I have to go try. If I don't come back I guess you know how it went

Now playing

This really really needs a mention, this song is about the most beautiful pieces of music that I know. I get goose bumps and all, it's just soo lovely and filled with nostalgia..

To be fair, those were pretty badass flower pots.

Now playing

Small creeks are another common penguin enemy:

Is it worth fish and chips.

This is some serious Power Ranger style shit.

Looks beautiful but the sound is lifeless. Feels more like a shooting gallery than a world.

Please don't be bullshot. Please. The game looks absolutely incredible— even better than Watch Dogs before Ubi decided to show us the "VHS" version that console gamers will get.

Awww snap, been holding on to this for just the right moment...

Ha ha ha