And the crowd goes mild.
And the crowd goes mild.
they tweaked weather transitions to be faster so that the player never sees anything below a certain level of quality
That is the tiniest d-pad ever.
Oh no, the amiibo is too cute!
I never got to play this because I never owned a PS1 so Im excited to try it out once I get my Persona 5 machine next year.
Necessary? Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine?
No, but I do it anyway because it’s sterile and I like the taste. -Patches O’Houlihan
You were disappointed by the ending? Wind Waker had one of the most badass endings in ANY Zelda game. That awesome little punk Toon Link rolls around with a parry, flips into the air, and plunges the Master Sword deep into Ganondorf’s skull. It’s friggin’ rad af. It’s also got “Farewell Hyrule King,” one of my…
Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.
Looks like an eggcellent eggxecution of an evolution.
Bulldozing past obstacles and then fell into the pit of shame. Story of my life.
When you said “from the past two decades” i kept thinking you must be wrong because Zelda didnt exist yet back then! After all, two decades ago means early eighties!
The wall of shame and regrets
It’s oddly distressing to me that there are two people on a gaming site that don’t recognize Tifa. It’s not that old is it? Is it...? :(
Aaaaaand I’m out.
I apologize for ever suggesting that Street Fighter games showed unrealistic depictions of women’s bodies.