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Actually, people forget that the best CG doesn't look fake at all, and blends seamlessly with practical effects. To wit:

Don't worry Brian, got you covered... literally. ^_^

100,000 people

Wow. I mean...are you just trolling? I don't get it. Not every FPS is "just COD with x". These games weren't a damn thing like Call of Duty. There is not a single comparable aspect besides the first person view and the use of guns. That's it. And hundreds of games have done that over time, with COD being far from the

"I prefer my music to be on a disc."
Now virtually everyone buys their music online or streams it.

It's amazing how unmemorable the characters of 13, 12, and 10 were compared with the hot streak that gave us Cecil, Rydia, Locke, Terra, Celes, and Aeris.

I want this!


Drunk Mario Cart (n64)

I may possibly get flamed for this, but I thought Final Fantasy XIII's was absolutely incredible once I realized what it was (you won't know until you've finished the game - then it smacks you in the face).

He posts the game, he's a huckster and a scam artist. He takes it down, he's a self-righteous moron.

Here you go. You're welcome

....Hahahahaha WTF did they do to Knuckles?

Next we'll find out that he's actually Wesker.

I played Star Fox 64 to death. That being said, if you want to play all of the game's levels, you will definitely need to play it more than once, and it will definitely take more than 2 hours to do so.


He used a ghost composer...

....They grow up to be goldfish?