
There's a lot of hubris in that statement. For all we know, at this very moment in some distant galaxy there is an alarm clock set to wake up some Alien Czar for a very important meeting. Maybe that alarm clock is really the universe's most important?

I don't personally want to, but that's how the world will end. A giant rage quit.

"the Wii U is losing market share, and fast. Not hard to hire more developers to speed things up..."

I'm going to sell jars of my pee. No creative second half of the statement to relate it to this article because the content of this article proves there doesn't need to be a good reason and demonstrates I will have buyers. I'm just going to sell jars of my pee and I will be successful.

Sony's announced a new mid-to-high-end "phablet" model today, with its Xperia T2 Ultra arriving in both normal and dual-SIM options. It combines a 1080p display with a 13-Megapixel camera, with Sony plumbing its quad-core Qualcomm MSM8928 chipset into 1GB of RAM.

Obviously it's Gameboy radiation. It aged him faster, killed his dad, and turns every user into an insufferable prick.

Saddened by lack of "KAAAAAAY"

If this were done on purpose:

No one speaks to His Majesty that way, console peasant.

Move aside ladies and stand back gentlemen. The professional is here.

You saw the Wii Fit trainer, a complete blank slate (not even an actual character from a game), coming? You must be the Oracle at Delphi reborn, in that case.

Not 35 million. Not 40 million. Not even 37 million... 37.7 million. That's what I call precise predictions. I think the PS4 will outsell the XB1 but not by nearly 10 million units in 3 years unless Microsoft has not fixed the price after 3 years.

Only because the original footage from the actual stunt was lost when the camera imploded from all the awesome.

It's made by Valve, so we must give them our money and souls.

Something like this could've gotten Jurassic Park back online.

All right then, how about this:

Halo could beat Metroid in a fight any day.

Why Battlefield 4 should be game of the year: DirectX function "GetDeviceRemovedReason" failed with DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG ("The applicatoin's device failed due to badly formed commands sent by the applications. This is an design-time issue that should be investiaged and fixed. "). GPU: "AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series",

Doublegood, in fact.