Oh yeah, for sure. All the jokes about women not putting out piss me off so much because I definitely feel like the one more upset about infrequency of sex.
Oh yeah, for sure. All the jokes about women not putting out piss me off so much because I definitely feel like the one more upset about infrequency of sex.
I will look into those!
No, girl, I feel your pain. I have the same thing happening with my husband (and we're newlyweds!). It can be so frustrating, because you want to be patient and supportive, but at the same time, there's always that nagging self doubt (is it me?). We talk and talk and nothing seems to change, so instead I've decided…
Yeah, no kidding. My boyfriend and I have had issues with similar things as you and your husband (from what you said at least) on and off for years now and at our darkest times I've asked him why he doesn't just leave me and he's said (like the wonderful person he is) that the sex isn't why he's with me. Because you…
Just wanted to add support and say you're not alone. Husband and I are in the same boat over here. This weekend was our first in I-can't-even-remember-how-long. It's always, "why did we wait this long?" and "let's not let this much time go by again," but in reality it's often something like once every 4-8 months...…
I feel your pain. I'm the depressed (postpartum) and anxious one in my marriage and I can't remember the last time we had sex. Maybe 2 months? Maybe more? People have a weird understanding of what commitment is.
"If you promise to be faithful to someone and work through difficult times, once every two weeks is a goddamn cake walk."
N0. Dean McDermott is a cleb and deserves to use anyone he wants. He has been using me like a dolphin spout for years.
Oh jeez. And I thought my bf and I's twice a week was infrequent.
The woman has four of your children, suffers a difficult pregnancy, and somehow not having enough sex warrants your infidelity? Because you're a grown adult and can't handle the ebbs and flows of LIFE, not just sex, you bail when things become "not fantastic"?
Sorry, boo. :( As the more anxious and depressed one in a coupling, good for you for being patient and devoted.
Every two weeks is fairly frequent for two busy adults who have been together for awhile. I would be thrilled if me and my boyfriend managed to be that frequent when we're back together this summer.
Also, if you didn't think four kids would negatively affect your sex life, you're an idiot. And if you didn't want four kids, there are ways of controlling births. I think there's a name for it... it's on the tip of my tongue...
Man, what an asshole. I hate when cheaters try to blame their partners. No dude, YOU decided to cheat. No one made you and don't blame your wife and mother of your children. Scumbag.
Please don't use the fact that he was in Clybourne Park, a play he clearly didn't even understand as evidenced by his interviews, but translated it into what he thought it was about, to excuse this. I've read the entire interview, in context, along with his oh so helpful comments about how he used to like the good…
Well then. Just missing some domestic abuse for the trifecta.
I can't figure out how to PM, either!
Hi. First off - you are not alone. My husband has a low sex drive as where I do not. It can be a total mindfuck.
Women in Dubai are taking a cue from Jersey Shore (where else to take your cues from?) and placing Bumpits under…