I know this is an old article, but OH MY GOODNESS THANK YOU!!!

I find it kind of funny that it's not selling well, since Japanese gamers weren't happy about the release date not being before America and the other countries back when the release dates were announced.

(What I am referring to:… )

In all honesty, out of the ones shown here, I think Pakistan's is the prettiest photoshopped photo.

Just watching him fall after he cut it put a look of horror on my face, just to see him free fall when it wasn't planned is scary! However, after seeing him get to the ground safely, that was super cool. However, him being able to do that two more times, after THAT happening! Talk about brave and unafraid! Hahahaha!

Before she played the unedited version, I thought it was saying, "Can you make the music stop." least I got the last word right?.......

Just watching this made me feel worried for them, and thank goodness they are okay.

I swear this is the funniest gif I have seen in a long while, and you have definitely made my day with it. Thank you!

Reminds me of this:

Not going to lie, that looks preeetttyy awesome.

This honestly made me tear up. I am so sorry to hear about your father! :(

This didn't work for me ._. At. All. F u wii u. You suck. A lot -_-

What I want to know is, does anybody know the song that is playing in the background?

I asked my mom this exact question and even SHE could guess/knew that it was frodo, and she doesn't even watch pokemon. (My mom just restored the doubt that I once had a few seconds ago immensely just by answering that correctly). Point is, wow, no words can describe my jimmies being rustled at this...