
I would say that that can’t possibly matter because Melania... but of COURSE it would f’ing matter... *sigh.*

In Palm Beach, it’s a city of Lucille Bluth’s on a steady diet of Fox News.

Totally feasible.

I’m in my 40’s, I’ve been following the R Kelly story for what feels like years. I don’t listen to R Kelly, and I’ve made a point of not pulling up his songs even out of curiosity. I do know ‘ I believe I can fly’ but only from Space Jam. I learned it was an R Kelly song literally yesterday.

Well why the hell was the song being sung in a church?!  Now people will think there's a connection between organized religion and sexual abuse!!

Is the forged and illegal marriage certificate to Aaliyah lying too?

See also:

I think he looks like Greg Kinnear. Not my bag, but clearly conventionally attractive.

Right. I also never said “hot,” I said “attractive.” He was conventionally attractive by 70s standards and by most American standards - hence why Zac Efron is playing him and looking the part.

I am incredibly disturbed by your victim blaming. They were not stupid. They were in the wrong place and the wrong time. He did things like our in a fake cast and then ask for help carrying something to his car. It's important to understand that sociopaths are charming and manipulate. It's how they get away with

I actually took away something else from the documentary - I’d only ever heard the much vaguer stories of Bundy, as handsome/charming/intelligent. While I completely agree that the documentary virtually ignores and dehumanizes the victims, I think it actually demystifies Bundy to some extent.

The fetishization of serial killers needs to be erased from our collective lexicon. This is pain and suffering writ large into the public consciousness. Charles Manson has become some sort of garbage icon with his face on t-shirts and the semi-subject of Tarantino’s next film (Q, I used to love you, but stop it with

He also addressed it in his initial statement when he mentioned that, during the incident, he was aware and wary of how it would look, being a large black man, if he were to get violent in that situation.

Something has really switched with her in recent years ... the extreme face-changing with plastic surgery, the weird comments.  She’s off. 

I’d have said, “Ah so you are a believer in the platitudes.”  

I’m buddhist. That quote has literally nothing to do with Buddhism.

Buddhist here.

Lindsay did not listen to anything that girl said. She made up her own story for her in her head and just went with it. People not listening when I’m being clear is a huge pet peeve of mine. That conversation was so uncomfortable to watch. Does Lindsay ever interact with real people because that is not how human conve

Those brows are a choice on Aaron Samuels. I'm not a fan of overly groomed brows on men.