
Yes, I was trying to articulate why they look so weird and you articulated perfectly. I have a big butt but also big thighs as God (and a life-long love of carbs) intended.

It is mind boggling to me how sites like TMZ make fun of people like Lindsey Lohan for clinging to their fame years after they were relevant and then also make fun of people who say “I tried, it wasn’t working the way I wanted it to so now I’m doing something else.” like Dunkelman and the guy from Cosby Show who was

The image of the White House framed by enormous piles of garbage is as apt a metaphor as any to explain the last three years or so.

Maaan, I tellya what, if my starch levels drop too low, I get MEAN.

Lol, sounds like St. Petersburg isn’t even paying their trolls well enough anymore for proper coherence.... this one sounds like his blood sugar is plummeting, obviously because Putin cut his potato ration down to 1/2 a potato per week.

Bingo. I’ve been referring to his Wall as his big, beautiful $5B Macguffin.... it both stands in for & distracts from other things, but in and of itself, it’s nothing. It’s vapor.

I hate that fish-face expression. Am I just too old to find that attractive?  What am I missing?

The wall is more of a metaphor or a state of mind, apparently. It's what we have for DTs instead of pink elephants.

I’ve smoked week with angel dust in it, same experience. I’ve smoked angel dust by itself in the past (it was fun) but something about adding weed to the mix was NOT a good idea at all (This was many moons ago and it was my second and last experience with Angel Dust), I also feel the same about shrooms.... don’t add we

Because the wall is meant to stop illegal border crossing.

Facebook is showing you what complete assholes surround you.

Paid for by the funding on Go Fund Me? I do not understand how Go Fund Me legitimately raises money for the ‘wall’ and how do the fundraisers get it to the government or do they just go down to the border and start building, and where do they buy the building materials, and will they employ immigrant workers to build

Ask yourself this question and you might sleep easier: Can I imagine any of the backslapping chuckleheads in this administration being able to organize 1500 people to not only perform a specific task—any task—but keep their mouths shut about it?

He’s talking about shutting down the ports of entry, and of course not every part of the border is a port of entry.  In fact, they shut down the one in Tijuana I think it was last month for a day or so.

I must be drinking the same wine, because that was my first thought, too. And why isn’t Chuck or Nancy responding to that? “Why should the US waste $5 billion of taxpayer money when the President says he can just shut down the border?”  That’s a simple enough concept for even the Trumpistas to understand.

Who dares question the great and powerful Oz?

It’s the emperor’s new wall.

He can’t do anything while the government is shut down, and he can’t singlehandedly direct appropriations, which have to be allocated and approved by the legislature (can’t remember if it’s the Senate or the House).

Trump has turned America into a country where I serious wonder if the migrant caravans I hear about are actually Trump Republican false flag operations.

I definitely miss the “old days of Rolling Stone after reading that nonsense.