
This is wrong on so many levels, I stopped counting.

The second video made me grin like an idiot for a reason unknown to me.

Make cakes, not war.

Please put this on kickstarter!!!!

Simple. Apple puts in the highest bid. Problem solved. God knows they can afford it!

Just wondering if she thought it was a country. It's mostly in Northern Norway and Sweden that you can see Northern lights in Scandinavia. Denmark is also Scandinavia and the only thing you can see there is flat land and sky with a few trees, red-brick houses and cows in between.

No. He's a dumbass.

It was a damn joke!

Actually some parts of Northern Germany are also part of Scandinavia. I only know that cause I visited Flensburg last year. Or Flensborg as the Danes call it. They lost it and Hamburg(Hamborg) during the Napoleonic wars to the Germans.

Correct! you win a trip to Norway to see the Northern lights! All you have to do is pay for the plane tickets and hotel. The air you'll breath is on us! Don't miss out on this once in a lifetime offer!

Where's Scandinavia?

I don't know why but this GIF makes want to shag Tina Fey.

Guilty as charged!

Or dragon farts for that matter.

Meanwhile, at ground zero.

For some reason, This reminded me of the poetry of Rumi.

Mr. Diaz has a Swede-fetish ;)

No one can have this on their car without the risk of looking like a complete twat!
