
Agreed about the APS-C. A full-frame sensor size no longer has much if any advantage. Back in the old days, film had grain and noise, and bigger film was better. These days, when you can get a 24mp APS-C sensor with incredible high ISO - not a problem. The only real advantage today to a larger sensor is a bit more

It never would have happened with a print book. Maybe a typo here or there. You would never ever see anything on this level in print.

I hear you, but it's actually kind of funny. What's your cell phone bill? It's got to be bare minimum $40 or more likely like $60-70 a month. I probably spend less than $5 a month average on Google Play store stuff. Lots of times zero. Honestly? It kind of sucks to see so much money going to the freaking wireless

No bugs of any kind, all year round? Now that would be nice. Here in LA area, much of the year we would not need screens. Except for summer. It's not bad, but at various times, mosquitoes, flies, bees, wasps, june bugs.

Has anyone mentioned this? Fans. We haven't had too many mosquitoes this summer, but the flies have been bad. Except when it's breezy . . . Flies and mosquitoes are deterred by air that's moving fast enough. And that's the theory behind those air blasters over the doorways of shops and restaurants. A couple ceiling

We have a whole house fan, and ceiling fans. And a couple of portable fans. And we survive Pasadena CA summers pretty well. It's really only 90 plus for maybe 6 weeks here. A whole house fan is good but needs help. We generally need fans in at least two windows or doors blowing cool air in at night.

Plastic? I would think that the inner container would be more reliably water proof and just as effective if it were a plastic or metal box. Also being thin walled there would be a bit more room for food. Also a box shape rather than a bowl would be more convenient.

Paper, shmaper. This is actually a good solution to strapping a rubber band around anything. Rubber bands are great but have one flaw - they're closed loops. You can't open them up and then joint the ends back together. But this trick makes them an open loop with a quick connector. for instance, sometimes I want to

Of course if you really want to shoot 5k, you can do that. It's a TREMENDOUS user of resources and incredibly demanding to edit, store . . . you're going to need to invest in a small suitcase full of hard drives or preferably SSD's. And of course virtually no one anywhere can actually display it . . . Meanwhile most

Awesome. And seems like a great alternative to something like a Raspberry Pi - much more powerful, with much better connectivity - and a built in monitor! Battery backup! Bluetooth! etc etc. And you will be able to pick up an old used phone for cheap even if you don't already have one lying around.

I've had a HTPC for about 5 years. It really surprises me that you don't see this concept ready built for sale more commonly. With a full PC hooked up to your tv you can basically do anything, watch anything, stream anything, rip your own discs etc etc etc. Why don't PC companies sell this exact setup? Weird.

Definite on live TV. Our box has a tuner card, plus we added a wifi connected dual tuner called the HDHomeRun, which has worked well for about 3-4 years now. The nice thing about that, in addition to not having to put anything inside your box, is that any computer on the network can also use it to view/record live tv.

You know, we used a bluetooth mouse and kb for a few years with our MC-PC. It's now gathering dust. It was replaced with my Android phone running remote control software which is brilliant. The KB-mouse tends to be large and in the way, often out of range of the crummy bluetooth receiver, often low on battery, and

This belongs at the top of this article, which would stop a good deal of head scratching:

1. Um, one little problem, seems to me, is that the application of this thing is fairly painful, right? So you're replacing an itching sensation with a painful sensation. Hmm.

I write myself an email and send it using Gmail. There are many advantages to this method.

Of course this is not actually a solution per se, but the workaround to this problem is simply cheap tablets: so you just get a tablet for each person. With iPads being so expensive this is obviously kind of a painful option. But with the advent of a $200 tablet like the Nexus 7 it's a whole lot more doable. We

I didn't think anything could be slower or more aggravating than my crummy phone keyboard. Now I know better.

A single timer I don't find that useful. My microwave can handle that. But I'll pull my phone out to set multiple timers. Kitchen Timer is very good, and it will save timers with names, like my bread maker takes exactly 1h32m and then I let the dough rise for 45m - you can just save those timers, and start them when

My biggest annoyance about Mt Lion is how many repetitive and redundant posts there are ahout on this site about it. How do I get rid of this annoyance? Why don't you just make a sticky for All Things Mountain Lion and move everything there and spare the rest of us.