
Here's a legitimate question? Do there have to be nine separate articles (so far) about Mountain Lion on the Lifehacker blog in one morning? Geezuz, enough already.

Just tried it. Good idea, bad execution. There is no way I can tell to enter numbers in the calc by your number pad or keyboard row. You have to click the onscreen numbers. Or enter numbers in the search bar (in which case they don't appear in the calc readout.) Weird. Sucks.

They look from a distance like they're strapped on with duct tape. Not exactly what I think of as 'high end'.

Another post about micro wind turbines. It serves to be very skeptical about the claims for small wind turbines. There is a reason that turbines tend to be absolutely gigantic: wind is not a dense energy medium. It's just simple physics, air is not dense and typically wind doesn't move on average any more than a few

Windows Phone won't die because MS has plenty of cash to prop it up for years.

This is maybe the stupidest throwaway article I've read on lifehacker. Dairy is loved by millions, not because they need milk, but because it makes possible a plethora of some of the great pleasures of gastronomic life. If you're one of the billions of people who's not lactose intolerant, pay no attention to these

I'm not sure why, but Google doesn't seem to want to give us the obvious thing: Android TV, just a box that puts, well, Android on your TV. No, we don't really want Chrome or Google TV. Android. On a TV. Please.

I find the mint taste thing extremely annoying, since it seems to spoil the taste of everything except more mint. In fact I don't like mint in the first place. (Yes, such a freaks do exist.) Companies sadly seem to have given up finding a toothpaste flavor without mint, which is pretty lame and unimaginative. One way

Vote: Google Tasks + GTasks app on Android.

Step 1 should pretty obviously be: Identify the components that are making the most noise. Generally you may find that the noisiest components are difficult to silence without actually changing them out. The noisiest components tend to have small fans that spin too fast. Specifically, they are the graphics card, the

I have tried to make home made mac and cheese before, and the overwhelming thing that struck me is how much, how shockingly much, cheese it takes.

Exactly. A very short burst of nuke is very useful for a number of things. For heating up pancake syrup. For a glass of red wine that was in the fridge and you want it to be merely cool rather than ice cold. For sliced bread or rolls that have been frozen.

All this really is, is a WEEK based calendar. A lot of organizations do essentially the same thing just by using Week No.'s instead of month etc. And a lot of printed calendars also list the week no. Kodak just went a little further by grouping the weeks into 'months' of 4 weeks each.

Yeah. How do they make an entire computer with a processor, ram, etc and it's cheaper than a bare cpu?

The absolute minimum equipment needed: tea bags. We make our own tea with fine loose leaf tea and unfilled tea bags, such as the ones from Finum. When people come over and want coffee, we just put coffee grounds in instead of loose tea. Steep like tea in hot water for as long as you like. This actually requires ZERO

Umm, I'm not saying don't do it, but doing this to save $1.50 is kind of ludicrous. Mixing, boiling, cooling, transfering to a bottle, cleaning up . . . makes that $1.50 seem well spent. And realy maple seem reasonably priced. Now, doing it cause you like to make your own, and use real sugar, and tinker with the

If the simplest answer is the best one, then I find this FM thing to be over-complicated. First, no one has an FM transmitter just lying around, so you'd have to buy that. Also, I don't actually have any good FM radios lying around either. Next: it's kind of a pain to have some computer in the other room controlling

This is awesome and I'd love to just copy this to my desktop. It turns out that even understanding how this is put together will take me about 2 hours. Rainmeter is very cool and customizable, great. But also just infuriatingly user unfriendly. When you load these skins they don't seem to look anywhere close to the

Wow. The headline and article are what's cobbled together and weird ass. This thing looks damn impressive. And I just watched the latest Terrafugia video, as impressive as that is, they always seem to creep along on the road at about 10mph. This thing seems to be blasting down the road. Very cool.

And the related fact that when you're using it while plugged in, it doesn't seem to charge, just treads water. I have a phone that does this on the car charger, and it's infuriating.