
I think they have concluded that to really clean up Chernobyl, they're going to have to get rid of the concrete sarcophagus and actually dispose of the mess inside properly (though as we know in this country, 'properly' has still to be defined). Plus now they will have a huge mound of radiated concrete to break apart

To say that WD40 is not a true lubricant is not at all correct. WD40 is essentially a very very light oil suspended in solvents. The solvents dissolve grime, old grease, and help loosen rust and solidified gunk. When the solvents evaporate, it leaves behind the very very light oil. I would say the oil is about 5W

So here's some innovation: the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. Wacom caliber stylus plus some pretty cool art and note and sketch apps. For that matter, Win 8 tablets will probably have great stylus capability (Win 7 tablets already do, they're just not great tablets.)

This is one of the apps demo'd on the new Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 that makes you see how much a tablet needs a really well done, accurate, precise stylus. And no, the capacitive styli you have to use on an iPad don't cut it, like using a slightly smaller finger. You need a real Wacom style fine pointed pressure

Someday you can try to pry email out of my cold dead hands. It's a pain sometimes, but all the things it enables me to do in a relatively short amount of time, on my schedule, just makes it about the last thing I want to ditch. Email basically has enabled me to largely ditch the telephone, which I hate, except for

This article is offensive in just about every way.

Windows on ARM will be more power efficient and fast, no doubt. But you lose the entire point of Windows which would be all the Windows software you're trying to run. Sooooo . . . basically you have a brand new OS with virtually no apps in the catalog. Probably Mango apps or whatever they are calling the Win phone

Where the reflections glint off your subject's eyes? A small detail, and not even the most important one, in how to light a portrait.

I typically don't notice much of a speed improvement in browsers, but I just did the upgrade from 8 to 9 on Win 7 x64, and I have to say it seems really much faster. Gmail of all things is like instantaneous, actually noticeably faster on FF now than on Chrome (!) I use both browsers quite a lot daily, and on 3

I've pretty much told my family we aren't really going anywhere on a plane until the youngest kid is 3. We took a near two year old on a 5 hour flight. He screamed the first 45 min of the return leg, and when he wasn't screaming he was squirming over the seats.

You still have to switch users. On my Win 7 box, this takes about 25 seconds while the screen goes black, pick the other user, enter password etc, even if both are already logged in; quite a bit longer if the other user has not logged in.

In terms of hassle, it's actually much better than Office. I use three computers regularly, and another on occasion. I can download the full LO suite to all of them and keep them updated to the latest version, always, easily, without licenses, keys, paid updates that you are very tempted to skip and probably will,

When I really really need to be on the ball, I put things down on paper. I've used Google tasks and at least 10 different apps on Android and other computer kind of task managers and I always go back to paper. I have half-letter sheet clipboards with stacks of blank paper. I draw a little blank square in front of each

This actually is pretty much exactly what I've been looking for. USB charger, bluetooth audio. Here's why it makes sense. It covers all the scenarios. One: you want to play music with your Android in your hand, browsing and adding tracks to your now playing list. This works because it's playing over bluetooth

Yeah, broaching. Square and rectangular holes, slots, etc. Very sharp corners, high tolerances. BUT that's not common for blind holes I think. Generally the broach goes all the way through, it's basically a saw blade grabbed from both ends by the broaching machine. The point of this seems to be you can make square and

This reminds me of having a remote control for your car stereo. Is it really soooo far to the dashboard radio buttons?

Trolling? How so? You mean because it's in Hong Kong and not the US? I don't get it. Samsung is an Asian company. Would announcing it in a US city at a more friendly US time slot be trolling the Asian and European etc press?

I saw all of the top bikes in this competition, and frankly it all seemed like an exercise in futility. The winner was at most kind of clever and retro looking, sort of. A front rack and at extra superfluous top tube? The big winner? Really? Some of the others were just plain goofy and lame. What it will take to get

Sure, the reminder to drink water app is free. But the reminder to go take a pee before you wet yourself costs $25. God I wish I'd thought of that!

The main reason I would want to use a system monitor on Android is to track down things that are using too much battery power and memory. So a utility that runs all the time and uses up more battery power and memory, I'm thinking, is maybe not the way to go.