
Polonium - rings a bell. Pretty sure I have a little brush for cleaning off photo film, and another similar item used to float above your vinyl record album on a specially modified turntable, both containing some kind of mildly radioactive polonium, as I recall. It helps remove dust by neutralizing static electricity

If you only want one or two cloves, smashing with a knife is the method. If however you're cooking, say, Korean food, you're gonna need at least one head of garlic, like, per person. So this is awesome.

This is exactly how we undress the kids before bath time.

There's no doubt B&N have a Nook Color II on the ready, though exactly when it will be released and how good and how much $ - who knows. It's not like they had no idea for the past months that a color Kindle wasn't about to eat their lunch. I frankly would pay more for a mSD slot and a FF camera for video chats. Maybe

The Nook Color will probably drop in price to match this or even undercut it. Plus - B&N probably have a Nook Color II update in development (I hope soon) so it might be interesting to wait for their move. Personally I'm a little more interested in a tablet with a bit more hardware like a card slot and GPS and a ff

I've eaten tilapia a few times and more than once noticed that the fish tasted very much like dirt. And I don't mean that as a compliment.

This article points out some cool things, but the whole premise of cork being 'the best' wine stopper without even mentioning the whole 'corked wine' problem and other reasons that wineries (many wineries) have gone to something else is pretty shoddy. And leaves it up to the commenters to point out these issues. I

Kind of a cool idea. But not really. Erasing is completely key to the way I sketch. With a PENCIL. Can you erase with this thing? Doesn't look like it. But most important, I can already do this stuff with the scanners I've had for years. I can transfer any sketch on paper and use any pen or pencil or COLOR I want with

Can you put Android on these things? That would be a good deal.

These are mostly staged photos, sure, but the color does make this era come alive in a way that the standard fare B+W images of the war years just can't manage. Also remember that Kodachrome of that era had an ISO speed of something like 10. With film that slow you pretty much have to either blast light at your

Tell you exactly what I don't like about the new layout: I use the featured photo as much as the post headline to determine if I'm interested in the story. With the new sidebar, the photos are tiny, like 30x50 pixel thumbnails. Not really useful visual information. Mostly what I do on this site is scroll down looking

". . . imagine if you worked out twenty times this month instead of just once." You know, I could see working out, sure. But when I imagine working out 20 times, that just seems exhausting. A whole lot of work to what? lose a pound or two? Shuh.

This was an okay solution 2 years ago. Today there's a simpler method: take your HD video camera and sell it on eBay. Take your SLR if you have that, and it's lenses, and sell all of that on eBay. Take that money, and the money you would have spent on ground-glass and adapter lenses, and buy a new SLR with a nice

The article doesn't really state what the big advantage of such an OS is, other than the couldn't-be-more-vague thing about avoiding fragmentation. But such a concept would seem to be similar to the Chrome OS model, where everything is a web app and thus all the OS is really doing is hooking into the specific

Cool, and I like the 8" size. The cost is still kind of high, I'm thinking the most I would ever spend on a tablet would be $300, so I basically feel everything is overpriced at this point. And I'm sure not gonna buy anything until I see what Amazon has coming out hopefully by August.

It's not a Frap, but honestly, we've been making extremely good iced coffee with some good quality instant coffee, the dark roast crystal kind. Unfortunately the decaf variety is hard to find in stores. You can make it espresso strength by just adding a bit more. Add milk and sugar if desired to taste. It's fast and

Mate gives me the jitters as bad as any caffeinated drink. I have a bombilla and traditional mate gourd cup from chile, it was a gift. Also it doesn't taste that great. Personally I'm a lover of fine black teas from China and India. And the occasional espresso drink.

Basically you have to take all studies and news items and 'new findings' about diet with a grain of salt. (Sorry. It was just sitting there.)

The first jet passenger airplane took paying passengers in 1952: 49 years after the Wright Bros.

This might work for my fridge interior. The light switch works and the two light bulbs are not burned out - but the lights don't go on anymore. Must be some faulty wiring or connection somewhere that's hard to find. A battery LED might last a darn long time since the fridge is hardly ever open.