
I have a toaster oven (Krups, large one that bakes pizzas) and one of the reasons I love it is that it's ALWAYS on a timer. You can't just turn it on, you have to assign it a bake time. Why all ovens, especially burn your house down toaster ovens, are not like that, I have no idea. Oh yeah, it can't turn your food

Agree with mmseng - this idea would be supremely useful. You could easily control your whole home ent. system from your phone or computer or whatever, from anywhere in the house. Say you've got speakers out on the deck and want to turn the volume up or down. Or you're in the kitchen and want to pause everything while

Well, in reading this I'm going to switch my SSID broadcast back on. (Maybe that's why my phone doesn't always connect right away.) But: so the implementation of hidden SSID is fairly useless - but the principle is quite sound. By far the best way from having someone steal something is in preventing them from knowing

The following can probably be used for just about any Android phone. BUT you will have to figure out what the max bitrate is for your particular hardware, that's really the only variable. Some phone CPU's can handle higher bitrates.

We don't need fancy one-lens trickery. Actually 3D can be done very very effectively with two relatively inexpensive non-zoom lenses and todays small and inexpensive digital sensors. It should be very possible to manufacture extremely effective, compact digital still and video cameras that don't cost that much. Why we

@Paper-Cut: Actually there are smaller monitor- size 3D screens that basically do this (though not using the polarized filter method.) Think of them as having tiny vertically striped venetian blinds that direct the left image in one direction and the right image in a slightly different direction, so that each eye sees

@tinkerer13: Is Linux good for servers? I guess I've heard that here and there. I just use it on the desktop for light stuff like HD video editing/processing, audio multitrack recording and music production, RAW photo editing, scanning photo slides, vector graphics, 3D design and animation, book layout/publishing, web

@espinha: I have an iPad, but it pretty much never leaves the house. It's pretty much stuck to the bedroom night stand and maybe the kitchen. I would love something smaller, lighter, and less 'precious' that I could slip in a coat pocket or the outer pocket of a packpack. Honestly I use my smartphone a whole lot more

Finally some proof of what I've always felt was true. I went to a tennis camp once in high school where the program called for about an hour of compulsory stretching in the morning, and more in the afternoon. It was idiotic and a complete waste of time as far as I was concerned; and then I pulled an achilles tendon

Hey, I love cans too, for all the reasons you mention, plus I can crush them and they don't take up so much space in the recycle bin.

@Twisk: Also on Droid X, found Rockplayer to not play my vids very well at all, unstable, freezes up. Rips from DVD to .mkv and .mp4 etc. Now I just use Handbrake to re-rip things to .mp4 at h264-1500mbps-aac and then change the extension to .3gp. Everything plays that way, on just about any other device, (iPad,

@danburd: I tried about 5 different audio recorders when I first got the Droid X. All of them sounded scratchy and hissy, really bad. The thing has three mics and records audio pretty well on the camcorder - why is it so difficult to get a clean audio recording?

@deusxmonkey: Yet another Subsonic plug. I actually use it all over my home network through a browser, on Linux and Win boxes. Works pretty well on the Droid X. My parents 200 miles away can play any of my music collection anytime they want. Pretty cool.

Sounds awesome except for the battery. It should last as long as the iPad. About the only thing I like about my iPad is you can watch like 6 movies on it on one charge. With the screen turned town (still plenty bright) I can get over 12 hours out of the thing. Amazing. Other than that, I can't wait for an Android

Tried them, have to toss my vote in for a better similar app in Vignette. (Paid, but cheap.) You can snap a shot with a pre-set effect, yet AFTER the shot fine tune the effect. Change exposure, use different frames and aspect ratios, mix effects from various pre-set 'cameras', change from color to B+W, save multiple

If you have a phone where the mfg doesn't update to a decent recent v of Android, like at least 2.1, then I might be pretty tempted to root. Being stuck on 1.6 or earlier would be aggravating. But just bought a Droid X and am pretty damn happy with that, to say the least. If Moto can get 2.2 out by Sept. with Flash

This is far far from a universal solution because SimpleNote is so Apple i device centric. I mean I like some Apple stuff, I have an iPad - but use Ubuntu everyday, still have a Windows laptop and am getting an Android phone. Please take a step out of your Apple centric world or just say in the post header that this

Oh yeah and ps, I don't have a problem downloading an ISO of something like that as a sort of trial basis to see if it works and how well. If you're actually going to use the thing, then yeah, go and buy a real copy. Piracy sucks. But I have a real problem buying a copy sight unseen having no idea if it will even work

I use VirtualBox, so it might be cool, but the only reason I would like to use OSX is to use one of their fine video editing programs. But with one core only, sound problems, etc (how about video acceleration?) it looks like this would not work in a VM well if at all.